Aduit fłea harbours the infective cysticercołd.
Oncospheres hatch from the eggs and penetrate th© intestmal watl of the larvae. Cysttcercotd tarvae devetop in the body cavity
Human$i normally chiJdren, A acqui(o the infectwo by ” Irtgestmg the Infected Bea
Host łs mfected by uigesting fłeas’ contaHiiog cysticerco»d.
Scotex attaches m intestine
m smali intestine
Each progloitKj contatos egg packets that are hek) together by an outef embryomc membran© (see0).
The progłottids disintegrate and release the egg packets.
Egg packets contaimng embryonated eggs are ingosted by larval stage of ftea
A” lnfoctive Stage Ą= Diagnostic Stage
http /jW-wdpd cdc gov/dpdx