Adult flea harbours the infective cysticercoid
Host ts infected by mgesting fleas' contaming cysticercołd.
Humans. nixmally children, acquire the infectton by ingestmg the infected flea
Infected larval stage develop mto adult
Each proglottid contams egg packets that are held together by an outer embryomc membranę (see©).
The proglottids disintegrate and release the egg packets.
Q Adult in smali intestine
Oncosphere Cysticercoid Oncospheres hatch from the eggs and penetrate the
intestinal wali of the Q (. ......*
larvae. Cysticercoid larvae develop in the body cavity.
Egg packets contaming embryonated eggs are ingested by larval stage of flea.
A = lnfcctive Stage A= Diagnostic Stage
\i Scołex a tt ach es in intestine
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