PHRASE-main issues
It is the smallest complex element of syntactic struć turę (a group of words that form a grammatical unit)
No-subject predicate structure, e.g.
A beautiful lady in a floral dress PHRASE A plirase has got a head (the central dominant element of a plirase)
Bad weather NP, weather=head Walking quickly VP, walking=head Veiy fast AdvP On the table PP
Element that co-occur with tłie head are modiPierś (they modify the head)
a) Pre-modifier, e.g. expensive camera
b) Post-modifier, e.g. the book ją ą paperback C) The fat lady who is wearing a floral dress.
Grouping together and combining words in a plirase, or a clause can be referred to as a construction
There are endocentric and exocentric constructions.
Examples of endocentric constructions:
Endocentric construction - the group of words as a whole is syntactically equivalent to one of its elements - the element(s) play die same syntactic role as the whole construction
Clever boy (subordinative-one element (modifier) is subordinate to the otlier element) Men and women (coordinative-elements belong to the same syntactic category-they are equal in status)
- Exocentric constructions (madę up of words belonging to different syntactic categories - no head and modifier can be distinguished because tliey are equally Important). Mv fatiięr smokes
Mini exercise 1) walk quickly 2) cars and buses 3) tłie sun rosę (exocentric-equally important) 4) a high building (endocentric, subordinate)
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