Yesterday we dtscovered that we have bccome a victim of a targeted Cyber attack. doc to whtch some of out internal syslems have been compromised.
An unidentifted actor gamcd unauthorizod acccss to our interna! network. coHected certatn data belonging to CO PROJEKT Capital group. and left a ransom notę the content of whłch we release to the pubtic. AJthough some devtces m our network have been encryptcd. our backups remain mtact. We have already secured oor IT infrastructure and begun restonng the data.
We will not give in to the demands nor negotiate wfch the actor. betng aware that this may eventualty lead to the rełease of the compromised data. We aro taking necessary steps to mitłgate the conseguences of soch a rełease. in particutar by approachmg any parties that may be affccted doe to the breach.
We are stitl irwestigatmg the modem. however at this timc we can confirm that — to our best knowledge — the compromised Systems <*d not contain any personal data of our płaycrs or users of oor senaces.
We have already approachcd the relevant authorities. includmg law enforcement and the President of the Personal Oata Prołectton Office. as weH as IT forensic spocialists. and we va* ctoseły cooperatc w»th them in order to fulty investigate this inodent.