238 J. Tokar
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Looking through the prism of self-improvement, the praxeological slogan “liberate perfection in all action” should oblige to look for opportunities to learn in every situation. Placing considerations about self-improvement in praxeology - the science of operating efficiently and effectively, emphasises the importance of development activities and, above all, improving these activities. This article is an attempt to answer the question whether Kotarbińskie efficiency of operations, in the context of adopting agile development activities, may mean implementation of the idea of self-improvement in practice. First, the definition of self-improvement is addressed. Based on the review of subject literaturę different definitions are analysed. Further, they are confronted with praxeology and Kotarbińskie reflections on the efficiency of actions and the idea of an obseąuious guardian. The third and last part of the paper presents results of a research on the subject of self-improvement with the use of an original model of self-improvement.