

Tho Ccrtification Body of TUV Rhoinland Product Safety GmbH

hercby ceUrfics that tho organization

BALTON Sp. z o.o. ul. Nowy Świat 7/14 00-496 Warszawa Poland

has ostaW shod and apptios a qua!ity managcmont systom for the foliowi scopo:

Design and development, production and distribution of modical dovicos

(soo attachment for products and sites includcd) Proof has boen furnshed that tho requ:rements spcofied in

EN ISO 9001:2008

orc fulfillcd. The quelity monagemcnt system is subject to yearly suryeiliancc.

SY 60027694 0001 26300066 002 23.11.2014

Cortrficato Rcgistration No.:

An audit was performod. Roport No.: This Certificate is vabd until:

Cotogne. 24.11.2009

TUV Rhoinland Product Safety GmbH - Am Graucn Stein - D-51105 Koln


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