Description (Figs. 17-23: o, Figs. 24-27: 9).
Malc Holotypc (total body Icngth: 1.53 mm).
Colour: Carapacc light brown. rims of cyes sufTuscd with black. sccmum ycllowish; legs uniformly ycllow-brown; abdomcn: dorsal and vcntral scutum and latcral sclcritcs of a dccpcr brown. (hc dorsal scutum with faint pat tern of black ish arcas.
Carapacc (Figs. 17, 18 and 19): Lcngth: 0.59 mm; width: 0.58 mm; hcight: 0.34 mm. Highcst point of carapacc at PM-eyes level, curving further slightly downwards. and abruptly slooping downwards at it*s sccond half.
Eyes: L’s ncarly contiguous; AM-eyes very close to AL-eyes; AM-eyes 4/5th of their diameter apart; PM-eyes approximatc l/3th of their diameter apart.
Chcliccrac: Smali, conical, ending into a long fang, without tccth or any other particular structure.
Clypcus: High, 7/10th of carapacc hcight.
Maxillac: Convcrging in front of labium, apcx blunt and covcrcd with a dense scopula, antcrolatcral scrrula of about 16 tccth (sccms to be variablc).
Stemum (Fig. 20): Ncarly as widc as long, postcriorly strongly truncatcd separating the fourth coxac by a distancc cqual to their lcngth; middlc of sternum smooth; sub-marginal region elothed with sctac pointing inward.
Legs: Threc claws of which the main ones arc pcctinatcd; Mt with one and Ti with two cxtrcmcly long trichobothriac; Ta I swollcn. vcntrally elothed with numerous
suckcrlikc adhcsivc hairs, no visible Approximate mcasurcments (in mm): |
constriction |
bctwccn |
Ta and |
Mt of | ||
Fm |
Pa |
77 |
Mt |
Ta |
Total | |
i |
.47 |
.22 |
.33 |
.22 |
.33 |
1.57 |
li |
.41 |
.21 |
.28 |
.20 |
.30 |
1.40 |
lll |
.42 |
.21 |
.28 |
.21 |
.30 |
1.42 |
IV |
.48 |
.29 |
.42 |
.26 |
.34 |
1 .79 |
Małe palpus (t;igs. 21,22 and 23): Ti sauccrlikc. Ta as dcscribcd in generie diagnosis.
Abdomcn (ligs. 17. 19 and 20): Dorsal scutum covcring w fiole doreum; epygastrie scutum procent with well defined booklungiircas, hind corners extcnding into the post-epygastrie half of abdomcn and splitting into three to four smallcr scutcllar plutcs; postępy gastric region covcred with numerous smali sclcritcs; sides of abdomcn foldcd and covcrcd with three large striplikc sclcritcs.
Spinnerets: Six with two nicdians cxtrcmcly rcduccd. surroundcd by a chitinous ring; inner stridulating ridges on anterior spinnerets present; vcry smali colulus providcd with iwo pseudoserrated hairs.
Femulc Alloiype (total body lcngth: 1.41 mm)
As in mnie but for the following charactcristics:
Colour: Dccper brown. dorsum black ish with creamy pattern. smali sclerites brown.
Carapacc (Figs. 24. 25 and 26): Lcngth: 0.60 mm; width: 0.57 mm; hcight: 0.33 mm.
Eyes: AM-eyes approximatc 4/7th of their diameter apart; PM-eyes a littlc less than half their diameter apart.
Palpus: Ti with I crichobothrium. terminal pcctinatcd claw present.
Legs: Approximatc mcusurcmcnts (in mm):
Fe |
Pa |
Ti |
Mt |
Ta |
Total | |
I |
.45 |
.22 |
.30 |
.20 |
.31 |
1.48 |
II |
.41 |
.21 |
.27 |
.19 |
.30 |
1.38 |
.41 |
.23 |
.31 |
.20 |
.31 |
1.46 |
IV |
.51 |
.32 |
.44 |
.29 |
.35 |
1.91 |
Abdomcn: No dorsal scutum; surfacc covered with numerous smali sclcritcs. cach bcaring a hair; epygastrie scutum present. posterior corners cxtcnding baekwards into postepygastric arca. followed by a pair of greater sclerites; postepygastric half of venier covcrcd with numerous smali sclcritcs. cach bcaring a hair. vcry smali colulus with two pseudoserrated hairs.
Vulva: Sec Fig. 27.
I)crivalio nominis: This spccics is dcdicatcd to Dr. V. Mahntrt, who gavc mc the opportunity to discovcr and dcscribc tlić Hadrotarsid materiał of Paraguay.