O.O.f m and 122
1: Air Fox*oo eraploying naxlcmia effort will attaok coimaunloatlons
behlnd tho Ruoalan front. t % 3a.*«r
.-UTUATION; Thie plan oallo for an at:aok by tvro Winga agalnat tho KOTfZAHTr (ERESEKUJYAR) MŻY. Thla M/Y Ib located on tho maln doublo traok Yionnn-Budapeot, vla BratlslRYa rall llne, and ls tho Junoturo of a Ingi o traok x*allroada frocn tho Korth and the 8outh. Thle yard ls of ununeotionable valuo to the Gormans ln marehalllng and aorting rolling utook to aorvo tho Kungnrian front whlch ls but flve (6) mllea away.
Tho ororall oltuatlon for Plan Able dlrecta attaoks on the CKMumm.lontlona targeta ln aouthern Czechoslevakla and northern Kungary by all Winga, Tho oonnunioatlone targeta ln the forward areaa on thls front havo not boon aubjootod to bomblnga and a high percentage of will tary tarfflo haa boen ldontifled ln these now lmportant yarda.
Our objootlve ls to deatroy the car oontent and reduco the omrohalllng oapaolty by blocking and craterlng the oldlngs. Nove 2 aaky NA had 500 unita on 22 Feb.
FLAK; Tho brlofod route, axla of attack, and rally have boon planned u\ox\xox* to expooe the foxxaatlon to a minimum of flak.
FIOHTKRa; Approolate 40/50 flret lino KE 109e and FW 190a from Ylenna area AYallablo for ofeenao of these targeta but conslder planned routes deorenoe llkollhood of lnteroeptlon and oppoeltlon may be negliglble.
y.dOOUT: lftth FO will provlde eacort for all wlnge on PTW.
K30APS; Tho x\>uto to and froa the target le for the most part over FarYIann oontx*olled or lnfluonoed terrltory, or behlnd theRuasian linen, Tho prlaax*y targot lt30lf ls only flve nlles weet of the Runnlan lineo.
Should you land at a Ruaslan Baso be socurlty oonsoious. Remembar tho vord Aaericanskl.
HwOTTWg PLAN CALL3 FOR A PATHFINDZR ATTACK ON LINZ by four Wlnge atuTa vloual attaok on tho Yorona Communications targeta by one Wlng.
Oux* King lo nooignod tho LINZ SOUTH AND THE STATION M/Ya*
IIITUATION; Tho MAo ouatalnod heavy danage on the 25th Feb attaok, and wovo “nśTaoked agaln by PFF on the 2nd Karoh. Recent photograohy i3 not avallablo to deterralne the preaent aotlvlty. The Benzol Plant nhowod no damago on 25 Feb. and the Heraan Goerlng Steel Works was opex,nt.lng noar norrnal oapaolty on corer 19 Feb. The obJectlve of the attaok ln to deatroy the oar oontent ln the MA» reduce the marahalling oapaolty, and infllot lnoldental damage to the industrlal area.
FLAKI An nbova.
riOMTKRO; Rooognlto enemy oan defend thla target wlth 30/40 s/e flghters ?ro[;rVienn a area but hao not elected to do so agalnat reoent niesiona thln area and oonaider any oppoeltlon will probably be conflned to ocean ionul attaok u agalnat atragglere.
apOORTj. Aa abore.
EtiOAPEt If forood to bali out eoon after landfall ln N. Italy aake for Tbo Mil» near the Auatrlal border. The Partleana ln thla area will pnan you along to tho eaat toward YUgo. Partleans are aotlre ln the hllla
n°x'th t0 anA fPOn the target oonalder those seotlono of ooxxntrr
.nuth of I-ako MlUntatter, aoutheaet of Łlagenfurt, eouthweet and north-'
‘ t of Orar., and northweat of Bruok.
In the ovent you land behlnd the Ruaslan llnea be seourlty oc*:x-BOloun. Do not naaoolato wlth Hungarians or Rumanlana morę than ls .lł*v whlle wlth the Ruaaiana.
nooennary wiuio ** }jOW£RD NSFP» J*