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community. According to him, an educative experience is creative and leads to further experience.
Besides, in generał principals of curriculum construction, Dewey has advised as to how to organize the curriculum. Ha has proposed an integrated curriculum and follow the principal of correlation in the organization of the subjects.
His scheme of curriculum also included esthetic, religious and morał education. For fuli devek>pment, Dewey considered artas “perfected expression of basie human activity.”
❖ Bertrand RusselPs idea of school curriculum; 3 Russell recommended a generał and compulsory curriculum for children up to the age of fourteen years. At this stage the curriculum should include ancient literaturę, modern language, mathematics, science, geography. musie and dance. Russell has prescribed two types of curriculum for children between the age group 15-18. Specialization begins at this stage. i) Specialized curriculum will be followed by advanced students. ii) General curriculum will be followed by mediocre and less intelligent students.
The curriculum at this stage should include humanities. mathematics, ancient literaturę, anatomy, physiology. hygiene and civics. Russell had laid stress on the study of mathematics and history. He suggested that children should be educated in modern schools where Montessori Method is followed. Apart from that Russell has strongly advocated sex education for children along with other subjects to prevent abnormal behavior and mental derangemenL As regards religious education. Russell nourished a strong view of religious neutrality as religion is a personal affair. He also strongly favored co-curricular activities in schools as these greatly help the total devek>pment of the individual. particulariy on developing self-control. Sound mind is only possible in sound health. Thus, besides play, Russell has emphasized dance. musie, agriculture and horticulture as extra-curricular activities.
These are the conceptions shared by sonie eminent foreign scholars of the education worid. But we should also go through sonie of the ideas that are the products of indigenous effort of the Indian educationists. This would definitely help us to get sonie hołd of the Indian scenario of education and schooling with special reference to the issue of curriculum.