

10.    Mr. Carson McGuire, Professor of Educational Psychology, March 18-21,

1959, to Bethesda, Maryland, to attend meetlngs of the National Institute of Mental Health, expenses to be paid from grant funda.

11.    Mr. Robert F. Peck, Associate Professor of Bducatlonal Psychology,

February 27-March 2, 1959, to Monterrey, Mexico, to attend the joint research planning conference between the University and scholars from Mexico, expenses to be paid from funds of the Hogg Foundation.

12.    Mr. John Russell Peck, Assistant Professor of Fiducational Psychology,

April 7-11, 1959, to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to attend conferences in connection with research, expenses to be paid from grant funds.

13.    Mr. James M. Reynolds, Professor of Junior College Education, March 9-

Ik, 1959, to Long Beacli, Califomia, to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of Junior Colleges, expenses to be paid from contract funds.

ik. Mr. Norman Keith Wagner, Instructor in Meteorology, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, March 30-April 2, 1959; to Boulder, Colorado, to attend Conference on Micrcaneteorological Research, expenses to be paid from contract funds.

15.    Mr. H. M. Burlage, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, August 15-22, 1959;

to Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend the annual convention of the American ABsociation of Colleges of Pharmacy and the American Pharmaceutical Association, expenses to be paid from Account No. 19^01 - Office and Travel, Deanłs Office.

16.    Mr. Charles 0. Wilson, Professor of Pharmacy, February 8-10, 1959; to Kansas City, Missouri, to attend the annual meeting of District 6 of the American Association of Colleges of Phannacy where be will present a paper, expen3es to be paid from Office, Maintenance and Supplies account of the Pharmaceutical Foundation; and August 16-21, 1959* to Cincinnati, Ohio,

to attend the annual eonvention of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, transportation expenses to be paid from the Dean's Office and Travel account.

17.    Mrs. Esther Jane W. Hall, Assi6tant Professor of Pharmacy, August l6 and 17; 1959; to Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend the meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Conference of Teachers, Section of Teachers of Pharmacy Administration, transportation expenses to be paid from the Deanrs Travel account.

18.    Mr. Calvin P. Blair, Social Science Research Associate (Faeulty),

March 5-8, 1959; to Tucson, Arizona, to attend the Aid zona-Sonora Interna-tjoral Conference on Regional and Caminunity Development, expenses to be paid from the Maintenance, Eąuipment, and Travel account of the Bureau of Business Research.

19.    Mr. John T. Lonsdale, Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, April 11-

16, 1959; to Lawrence, Kansas, to attend the annual meeting of the Association of American State Geologiste, expenses to be paid from the Maintenance, Travel, Printing, Investigation and Eąuipment account of the Bureau.

20.    Mr. Alan Humphreys, Lecturer in Curriculum and Instruction, Extension Teaching and Field Serviee Bureau, April 1-5; 1959* to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to attend the National Science Teachers Association National Conven-tion, expenses to be paid from Extension Teaching Centers.

21.    Mr. Ernest F. Tiemann, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Director, Visual Instruction Bureau, April 10-19, 1959, to Seattle, Washington, to participate in the annual convention program of the Department of Audio-Visual Instruction of the National Education Association, expenses to be paid from travel funds of the Bureau.

22.    Miss Virginia C. Patterson, Audio-Visual Educational Specialist,

April 11-17, 1959/ to Seattle, Washington, to attend the Department of Audio-Visual Instruction, expense8 to be paid from travel funds of the Visual Instruction Bureau.

M-2 (TS)


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