musc dev060

musc dev060

Luccna, Tayabas. P. I.

My Dear Mr. Liederman: As one of yoiir studenta, I am encloaing wlth this Irttcr iwo photographs of myself. In these photographs, you can sec a few rnuscles which werc madę h> your progre$$ive ex«(tiMr und three nionths only- • •    Your pupil.    SIMON 0. JAWERTO.

(One of thrsr plmtos appears on pagc 27.)

Keyea, Cal.

Dr.An Mr. Lif.Wrman: I musi writc to you from limc to time to let you Icnow liow I am getting alung.

I am now entering the third wrek of my course and it ia ao interesting I can hardly cxpre$s my joy.

I wish morę young fellows would take a course wilh you.

I racaaured my neck thi$ morning; it is a fuli 17-inch neck at tliis dale. I have a differcnce in arm mcasurcment too. I now have a 16%-inch arm.

Say, when I get througk with this course I will be a real strong man. I noiice a big difference in strength now. I se mc for nny rrference vou wish for; I’m with you in your Work. I rannnt speak of you and your work too higlily.

Yours for better success, I’m your proud pupil.    \ p JESSIJP.

29 Sumner St., Milford, Mas*.

Dear Mn. Liedermam . . . Reccmsd your letter and was glad to henr from vou. The olher day I inude. a bet of 810.00 that nobody could put my neck down and I won. That is. the strongest man in tli© gang could not put my nrrk down. I can lift about 200 łbs. with my neck. How i* that?

I think your course i* the best and can prove it if anynne ilon’t helieve it. I do not think there is anv other courw? in the world that can beat yours, and 1 don’t know how to tbank you for what you buve done for mc. . . . I shall ncvcr forget the day I camr to your office in New York. 1 am awfully sorry I did not take vonr course earlier. I can bridge 203 Ibs. . . .

Your oM pupil,    F. C. DIORtO.

99 York Sl.. W. Hamilton. Ont.. Canada.

Dear Mr. Lieherman: . . . I am herewith cncłosing u recent photo of myself and I think your course is wonderful. If anv of vour prospeclńe studenta or pupils bave any doubt as to the advi*ability of mrolling with you. just rrfer tbem to me, I would be glad to havc one of my photographs put in your bnoks. Wishing you all the success you desene.


(Owing to lack of space I was forced to omit Mr. Milgroms pbotograpb from this l>ook even though his devr|opmcnt is rcmarkable. His photograpb can be sern on one of the wali* of mv office.—E. I,.)

Hotel Midvale. Coat<»villc. Pa.

I)ear Krie.nd Lifdfrman: ... I send you my ibanks and best wishes for your three months lessons on muscle deveIopment. It has built me up wondcrfully for my age. ... On the 16th of Novcmbcr I was 60 vears old. When I wroto you I did not want tu tell vou my riglit age for 1 thought you would not wunt tn ar.ept mr. ... I belong to the Moose and we bave a large fine borne bere willi 1.01)0 niembera and lots of young fellows whom I want to get after. Tbey all want to know what madę me so stout and strong and I explained your system to thom. . . . Will clnse with best wishes to y«iu.

Your friend.    FRANK AUSTIN.



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