26. Mr. William E. Barron, Assistant Professor of Educational Adainistration and Director, Southwest School Adminietration Center, December 9-1^# 195$,
to Soeorro, New J-texico, to attend and participate in tbe New Mexlco State CPEA Planning Connnittee; January 28-31, 1959, to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to meet vith the Planning Counnittee of the State Departments of Edueation Workshop; February 1-5, 1959, to Little Rock, Arkansas, to participate in the State Planning Committee for the Arkansas CPEA; and February 12-19#
1959, to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of School Administrators, expensea for all tripe to be paid from Kellogg Grant funda.
27. Mr. Holland G. Waltera, Graduate Fellow, Southwest School Administration Center, January 28-31, 1959# to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to meet with Planning Committee, expenses to be paid from grant fundę.
28. Mr. Glenn E. Barnett, Associate Dean, College of Edueation, February 28-March 2, 1959, to Cincinnati, Ohio, to lead a meeting on teacher preparation programe at the annual meeting of the Association for the Supervision of Curriculum Development, expenses to be paid from grant funds.
29. Mr. Norman Keith Wagner, Instructor in Meteorology, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, January 25-31# 1959# 1° Nev York City to attend the annual meeting of the American Meteorolog!cal Society, and to Bedford, Massachusetts, and Baltimore, Maryland, for dfciacussion of contracts, expenseB to be paid from contract funds.
30. Mr. John J. McKetta, Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Chairman of the Department, March 1^-18, 1959# to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to attend the national meeting of the American Instltute of Chemical Engineers, expenses to be paid from Engineering Foundation (transportation only) and per diem from grant funds.
31. Mr. Georga R. Schultze, Professor of Chemical Engineering, April 5-10, 1959# to Boston, Massachusetts, to attend the national meeting of the American Chemical Society, transportation expenses to be paid from funda of the Engineering Foundation.
32. Mr. Joseph F. Mathews, Jr., and Mr. James K. Nickereon, both Research Engineer6 in Chemical Engineering, January ik and 15, 1959# to Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to viBit U. S. Bureau of Mines to inspect equipment, expenses to be paid from contract funds.
33* Mr. Walter Leon Moore, Professor of Civil Engineering and Chairman of the Department, February 8-13, 1959# to Los Angeles, C&lifornia, to attend the national meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers, transportation expenses to be paid from fundę of the Engineering Foundation.
3^. Mr. Lyraon C. Reese and Mr. Hudson Matlock, both Associate Professors of Civil Engineering, February 8-1^. 1959, to Los Angeles, Port Huenerae, and La Habra, California, for conferences and meetings pertaining to planning of research for Excellence Program Grant, expenses to be paid from Travel in Support of Exeellence Fund Projects in Engineering.
35- Mr. James D. McFarland, Professor of Drawing and Chairman of the Department, March 25-28, 1959# to State College, New Mexico, to attend the Southwest Section of the American Society of Engineering Edueation, transportation expenses to be paid from funds of the Engineering Foundation.
36. Mr. Archie W. Straiton, Professor of Electrical Engineering, January 25-31, 1959# to Dayton, Ohio, Washington, D. C., Baltimore, Maryland, Boston, Massachusetts, and Belmar, New Jersey, to discuss guestions conceming Govem-ment Sponsored Contracts, expensee to be paid from contract funds; also March 23-28, 1959# to New York City and Dayton, Ohio,to attend IRE convention and visit Wright Air Development Center, expenses paid from contract funds.
37. Mr. Elmer Ł. Hixson, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Engineer, Defense Research Laboratory, December 28-30, 1958, to Washington, D. C., on Laboratory technical matters, expenses to be paid from contract funds.