n Febuary 2004 Champion entered Godcity studios in Salem, MA and began tracking songs with Kurt BbIIou for our first LP, Promises Kept. The process took longerthan expected and with sched-uling difficulties and a European tour with The Promise just around the comer we were unable to sit in while the album was being mixed. When Champion returned home and had a chance to tisten to the completed record we agreed that while Kurt had done a great job we wanted to be morę involved in the process and decided re-mix the album. Since the plates for the vinył had been already been completed and in recognition of the hard work put in by our good friend Kurt Bridge Ninę decided to release a smali pressing of the original mix of the LP. Futurę pressings of this album will feature a different mix of the tracka, but for this version we went ahead and pressed 150 copies of the original mix.
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