Maslcr of Coramcrcc (M.Cuni.) Somcslor Pallom wilh Credit System Revi$ed wilh eilecl Irorn Jutie 2013

Pmiiiibk* furCkuicr BmsmI Cmiii Sysk-iu

Sir.ce liberaliz&tior. the scoic-political-eccncmic scenario :s changing v«y fagi. Yhcrc is a sipniticant transformat!cn tn tern cducational eypcctation and asoiraiion ot' the leamer. lite cducational system ałsc is witnessiiis many cii ar ges and chalkngcs due to lechnological growth and chanęes m the G waranem polieies. Educatio-.t is no looger a ooncem ot smdam.s Nit it li.-ws Iłecome .1 martor ot soci.il and economic impnitanoe. The clianges a: the gjohal IsycI has influence tlie cducational system, structurc and espcctation of the users.

Unńersity education r.eećs to take coutingence of all these changes and

likc Commcrce havc to be properly upgradcd tu aconnunodate challenge* of diangs, cxpcctation of «uplojv»‘ and to ofter globol cpportunjties to the kamen Prom this point of vi?w the cuinse slmcUiiK of pusl-gjtulude programuje iu CuiiuiKfvci i*eds to be sbni Uired. It bns tu be aacording to aypecrarimis uf llie karners. emplnyers a»d the sod ery. T:ia leaming inpuŁ* fiava to be moro updaic, skilkd bascd ilu J wilh upprupriulc applicaliens. The coursc programnie shotild 1 utt>ider ikt>ir«- tptiunle. otulinie mul lumtueei of the leionei

Froiti lim puiul of v»w Univeisity of Pi.ue h;r> uitioJmoJ Cliuice 3si>e Cicdit System uf cotinie slruolure. Hus system snuli olTor u fkxibk usor frienćly, opport unity iu the leumeł. will broudor the horkun uf Lonimcrcc education ur.d will give a fur dumce lo cvcry single leunier tu esltibil l is tuleni, acquu<il skiUs xic cuhunce his pasOTwIiI}, Ił will fuilhei ctihance his opportunity of global mobihty, to acąuirc diiłcrcnt knowledgc inputs tron diflcrcm global inslilule*.

1. Objecmes:

a. To e<|iii|i and train Port Gr.niuite student* tu aceept the c-i.ilknp.es nf Rusiness World by providing opporamitie* torstudy and analysis ofadvancsć Coramercial aud business tndkods and proccsscs.

1». To develuji independent Ingical thiikinp aid f.icilil.ile peismialily developiiietit.

c.    To eqfj;p the student* ter seeking suiiable careers 1:1 management and cnucpr^ncurship.

d.    To study by itudei.ts metliods cf Data edketioa and tlieir uiteipretalions

e.    To devclop oinong students C-omnnmicntion. Studyand .'dialyticol skilh.


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