The M.Cnm. Cniuse will Iw ofTwoi Yeant dnrarion oM.Ustmgof Twn part. i* Port I and Pan ri Fach pan is ki.vmg Ttvn Seme«ler». Thi:« ihe M.Cotn. C<Yiir&e is. of Fnur Serr.ifclere. for cach Semcatcr thcre will be Fowr Popem af I0U marka cuch. The Xl.Com. Dcgrcc will be of 1600 marki in aggrcgatc.
Tli«r M.Cum (Sra wsi er patiem willi Credit Sjsleiu; degiw Progi auni* sball Ir of 2 yc-ar*' duratinn dividcd into two partit. Part I and Part II, and 4 RcmcKtirs
4. FtigihilitY :
Ihc student who has possed any Bachckws dcgrcc of t-ns Uimrcnsity or auy oiher lwognuml Univ«r*ily tlmll Iw lield eligible to iw? ociir.Ucd U> M.Cout. Coura?.
Ute Xl.Com. degreo course will be of iwo vor.r cura.ion consisling of four somcslore and of minimum 6-1 credit*. as helów
(..rund Tuta!