locften W>IU~t ha* bw membe* <d the board of the
*<onkiUłn OpanneftKn of the Ncfłicrtoid* and Ran den atice 300% In Jona 3013 he alert ed m mwnb« of the min^wnrf
gr«M> ♦< the Euo^iean Cc*** odiom fee A«r*de«t->n <ECA) We w» mcm bet e* the E* Group wtach dcvdopod the Evtopnn Standard* end (uideinn (ESG) end thefuropean Uualty Auiwwt R *9*1 er (fCJAR).
«t abnhmar* ** JO ot
The łftmwi of EURASHE on the enptor«ntet>on on «iter*d oni ertrmal cptlly ntmnct woli be orgrtitd on Jv>9 Octobet 2*1? Bocharot 1R0 marna)
An *v*nt orparned by (URASMC widać the rntpkn of the Meibtry of Natwnal Edocaton of Romania - Htttcd by the Hetiond Lhrrmty c4 ft»Hted Studea and M<ii
Mece ir/etmotton *ł /twwnnih# ru b,c(iir«t qi
The łmifiii «stl tmg together e tommtairty of pcetlice'. włiK> vmI be 9taded throogh the proreedkujt on the be*H of a Manna fot kitem* Ooaity "SWłrarue FYocticał ^tde for impJementio^
mtcnaf cfweffty mutimr p*?<c**« *1 łnjłm cdiKgtier
mtfRuttom. «Mrh * beeig de«vieped by erpertt. on the tmK ol the* onts o pert*e end rcływig on the fetdbacl retetred from *
ccnuHiticr emcog ow rmmbenhip and atafcełttldan m hi^ici edroban
lnp«it by partioparrtt to the Mano* for bit omal Oualty Amifann dumg the aemtiar arii be dndapad ti th# ipeclhc/reWant wortsbjp*. soch *s the kil bet*»een eitemal and e»temal gsaJ*v amrafK* and the chał te of ndkitan. nwbtmod ol ftalahddeu. gualty actunnre and t\ rWaticn to laomanf
of cfcaifty eufcure m an nttrtutnn