d)    Other uses of will/shall/would (ofFers; promises; suggestions; requests; etc.)

e)    Hypothetical would

4.    Adjectiyes

a)    Adjective pattems

b)    Participle (-ing or -ed) adjectives

c)    Groups of adjectives (adjective order; pairs of adjectives; etc.)

5.    Comparison

a)    Comparative and superlative adjectives (form and use; irregular adjectives)

b)    Adjectives with as, so, too, enough and such

c)    Other types of comparison

6.    Gradable and uneradable adjectiyes

a)    Modifying ungradable adjectiyes

b)    Modifying gradable adjectiyes

c)    Modifying adjectiyes in informal English

d)    Common adverb + adjective collocations

7.    Adverbs

a)    Form (formation and types; adverbs with two forms)

b)    Use (modifying and adding information; use in comparisons)

c)    Position of adverbs in sentences (front, mid and finał position)

d)    Sentence adverbs (viewpoint and attitude adverbs- use in discourse)

8.    Nouns and noun phrases

a)    Basic points (form and meaning; gender)

b)    Singular and plural nouns (regular/irregular plurals; plural form nouns)

c)    Countable and uncountable nouns (use; different meanings; apiece/bit oj)

d)    Agreement (plural subjects; plural form and group nouns)

e)    Nominalisation (making verb/verb phrases into nouns/noun phrases)

9.    Possessiyes and compound nouns

a)    Form and meaning (possessive forms; rules)

b)    The genitive (‘s) or r/structure

c)    Specifying or classifying possessiyes and compound nouns SEMESTR4:

1. Pronouns

a) Personal pronouns (omission of pronouns; subject Or object forms; one; etc)


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