


The Futurę and the Conditional

Other Uses of the Conditional: Conjeeture in the Past and the Conditional in Contrary-to-Faet ff-Clauses

In some situations, you will need to consider the context to determine the message conveyed by the conditional. The conditional is used:

• to communicate probability or conjeeture referring to a past time or activity with verbs such as decir, estar, haber, ser, and tener. The English equivalents approximately, probably, must hewecould, I wonder, etc., are used to express the sense of wondering or conjeeture.

Estariamos ocupados cuando llamaste. Habna unos veinte autos.

^Guanto costaria el traje que compró cost.


We were probably busy whenyou called. There w ere approximately twenty cars.

I wonder how much the suit Ricardo bought


fEl crimen perfecto ? En espahol. Las probabilidades en el pasado. Usa la forma apropiada del condicional en tus respuestas.

1.    It probably happened (ocurrir) after midnight. _

2.    I wonder what time it was when Cynthia left. _

3.    A thief (un ladrón) probably went into the house. _

4.    He probably saw the painting in the living room. _

5.    An accomplice (un cómplice) probably helped him. _

6.    He probably put the painting in a truck. _


Y en tu caso... i Verdadero o falso?

_ 1. ^Podrias ganar mas dinero este ano?

_ 2. ^Aprenderias aleman y ffances?

_ 3. (Adajanas a Europa este verano?

_ 4. ^ Go m prań as una casa en la playa?

_ 5. ^Aprenderias a tocar la guitarra?

_ 6. ^Dorminas mas cada mańana?


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