Klectrolytes Coconut MCT Pil Brain Support

Koios Pear Guava Nootropic Beverage -12 FI Oz
$32.99 $19.79 Sale
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12 Pack Case
Not only did we put our proprietary blend of nootropics in KOIOS the drink we also infused it with MCT Oil, creating the first drink of its kind. Instead of pumping your body fuli of toxic Chemicals and caffeine, KOIOS the drink gives you the cleanest, the purest and most effective fuel source for your body. Koios enhances ketone production which is a morę efficient fuel for your brain and helps your brain to be hyper-productive.
• Incredibly, wonderfully flavored and easy drinking.
• Packed with over 2000mg of active ingredients.
• Emulsified MCT Oil for added, wholesome focus and energy
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