Our MrSSitn iS to DfMtdG
Tftc Most Valoed Pr oiuctMty Solatioo In tHe World
Competitive product A |
Results |
1. Preliminary specifications
2. Market analysis
3. Background research
4. Prototype design
5. User test #1
6. Prototype evaluation and modification
7. User test #2
8. Finał design recommendations
9. Product specifications
10. User test #3 Preparation for launch
11. Follow-up
Competitive product B
■ “improvement of market position by introduction of ergonomie products” (2001)
■ “ergonomie innovative competence is a competitive advantage” (2002)
■ "growing attention to ergonomics is a growth driver” (2003)
• Bahco products deliver unique ergonomics and strong user connection across a rangę of Professional industries (2008).
Not in reports:
■ Comfort
■ Less physical workload
• Desired customer experience: unity between car and driver
• Experience design (Kansei Engineering)
• Translation of desired experience into design
elernents: steering Wheel, gear lever, exhaust
• Experiments with users x
• Pleasant experience
• High sales
Ndgamachi, M. (2002). Konsci engmeermg a* a po*/b-crful coniumcf' octented tcchnology for produet dcvclopmcnt. Applied Ergonomics 33(3). 280 294.