li New approach to network design 2 2

Now consnjer movmg towards a cloud-based solution A natural step wotid be to move the wetuftp servers mto Cloud Further, to leverage scałabdity and availab*ty of the Cloud, the company m*jht deploy their servers mto differert clouds (m terms ot geographical deployment, heoce. possibty prov>ders) As these used to be m DMZ anyway, wrth costs m mmd. one rrnght move the serwers to a public cloud w«hout much concem about security loss On the other hand. sens*rve serw es. such as backup and database «s a compłeteły drfferent matter and m our example we move A to a pcwate cloud Finały, the company's desktops are connected to a SaaS-type cloud The network after remodelling can look Ute this

Fig 4 6 2/2 An image ofcSouó * firewaNs * intranet

Moving to a cloud scenario consideration

Mowng to a cloud scenano means that there is morę firewalls to be managed. ółferent traffic to be handled Here are some thmgs to consider regardmg communication m the new setting


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