ho collrdion of tho aiCNIttKtułO murator Mflliw for h«• Huioum of Kodom Orl in WKIW >% o łot of
Jelenio Córo
irchlto<turat modol« of bulldints cr«<t«d in Potand aftor .Ptf-tho yoar whon the (»aavn)tt roRimo <ollapi«d and Icmocratic chandr* wff initiaiod. 1« ł» on ar<fcito<tural I PoMth M*» — -"d ihowt a rango of >tylo», <ontc»t» and <h*r>%*'jĘT ~\f fh*j|^^bouf
__ ^tod
n lho cotlocilon ar* »ho«m •ultdlngt and pubtic %pa«o». fiaplayed in oahlbiliont on V fho map protonta ilgnłflcant archłtocti >a«l ii yoar*. lomc rdlllon* of Uff IM 01 łullding* tfiat .mprovj >th«r* were thown a\
»f ARCMITPC1UI0 pft lhown ot lho mutlioi and on |ho woblitr '
Kol*k«Ja / Collocilon: