VIVA la cóng ty tw van doanh nghięp ditac t/n nhięm bói hang ngan hhach hang danh tieng tu" nam 2006. Chung tói lien tuc no li/c tao ra gia trj gia tang cho hhach hang bang cach cung cap cac djch vu may do va dóc quyen lien quan den vięc gia nhąp thi tri/ang va tuan thu hinh doanh, giup giCr tin nhięm doanh nghięp theo cach tói i/u, xuyen suót trong hinh doanh tai Vięt Nam l/Ve are a business consulting firm who have been continuously trusted by thousands ofreputable clients sińce 2006. We dedicated to creating added value for clients by offering exclusive and tailored services related to marhet entry and business compliances, heep theirgood standing in optimal manners wheneverthey do business
in Vietnam.