Tell studenta that the Lab Gear blocks are used to study algebra. Aek thom to make prcdictions ahout how the blocks might be used.
Tell student* that the only błock names they neod to momorize are the x nnd the y. AU the other blocks can bo figured out by counting, or by measuring thom in the corncr piece.
It is crucial for suhsequent lessons that studenls are comfortablc with multiplication as a way to find the areu of a roctangle. They should be able to intorprot any rcctanglc as modcling a multiplication and any multiplication (positivo wholo numbers) as a roctangle. If this concept is new to your studenta, proeide cxtra proctice. You can use Challenges 1. 6. and 7. nnd lx>sson 9 in this book. ns woli as Lesson* 1.1 nnd 3.1 in Algebra Lab Gcar: Algebra I. You can also easily make up ndditional próbiems. or hnvo studenta make thom up.
• ActWlty 1-1, The Yellow Blocks. page 4: If this page seems too easy for your student*, skip it!
(In fact, kcop this advice in mind t hroughout this book.)
• Activity l-2a. The Blue Blocks. page ó: Show the studenta that five x-blocks are the same as the 5x-bIock and that five y-blocks aro the same as the 5.v-block. Show them how to use the x-and y-blocks to measure the sides of the reetnn-glea in order to identify the j^-block. the y*-block, and the xy-block. Mention that the x*-block is in fact square.
• Activity l-2b, 3-D Blocks nnd the Corner Piece, page (i: Kxplain that these blocks reąuiro three measurements: length, width, nnd height. which is why we cali them the 3-D blocks.
• Activity 1-3, Make a Quick Skelch of the l<ab Gear. page 7: Discourage perfectionism here.
The sketches should allow one to rocognize the blocks. but they need not be worka of art.
• Challenge 1. Make a Roctangle. page 11: This is the first of soveral challenges that require the studenta to rearrange blocks into a roctangle or square. This time, only yellow blocks aro used. If sonie student* prefer working on grnph paper to using the blocks. allow them to do that. You may also show how to use the corner piece to men-surę the sides of the roctangle.
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