Woon. HrigiwCatalog Bibliograpiiy. \r


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•FlSIlEH, II C. 1920. Report oflhr Health Department ol’ the Panama Canal lor the year 1919 {\tjlvbonis gratadcnsis llopk.). Mumii llope, Canal Zonę. 134 p., 20 pis. ().

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*    Fisi i ER, Ronald C. 1928. The* relation of Ibe dni hark-

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Fisi i er. Ronald G. G I! Thompson, and Walter E WkHB. 1953. Amhrosia heetles in Ibrest and sawmill. their biology, economic importance and contro]. Part I. Biology and economic importance. Forestry Abslraet.s 14(4):38l-389 [reprint j>agcd 1-21). (cn).

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•Fitcii Asa 1856a. Injury to peach trees (also elm bark). Third report on the no.\ious. beneficial and other insects of the State of New York (Scolytidae, p. 38-39). New York Agricultural Society. Transac-tions, vol. 15. ().

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__ 1858. Fourth report on the uoxious. beneficial and

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* __ 1867. Tenth and eleventh reports on no.\ious, ben

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