Test B (J)


*ł Uzupełnij dialog.

boy    does the

swimming pool open? girl At six o’clock in the morning. boy What time does it

girl At midnight.

boy    do you go there?

girl Once or twice a week. boy    does it cost to

get in?

girl £2 for children.



S Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, czy zdania 1-6 są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).

Last year Thomas Stafford didn'r like sport. He wasn'f interested in it. But fbis year things are different. Thomas has a new ?.£. teacJner at Afhenby IMddle Schód, and Thomas likes him a lot. His name is Mr Jenkins.

Thomas's fauourite day is Thursday bee.au.se he has tu/o hours of P.£. His c-lass usualjy does basketball, and gymnastics. He likes team games, but his fauourite actiuity is running. He usualjy goes running with friends tu/o or three euenings a u/eek after school, and he is a rnernber of the local athleties e-lub. He can run IOO metres in li seeonds, but he isn‘t happy. He u/ants to do IOO metres in 13 seeonds.


Thomas Stafford doesn’t like

sport.    f

1    Last year he had a different RE. teacher.

2    This year he doesn’t do RE.

3    Thomas has RE. on Thursdays.

4    His favourite sport is basketball.

5    He goes running after school.

6    Thomas can’t run 100 metres in 13 seconds.



6    Napisz o jednej lub kilku dyscyplinach sportowych, które uprawiasz w tym roku. Napisz:

-    when and where you play

-    who you play with

-    if you like it/them



7    Posłuchaj i uzupełnij plan lekcji.

| 12.30    Lunch

Technology school finishes


rotal CUD

Engtish Zonę 3 Tests



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