Informal Norwegian

The Alternative
Version date: 1 June 2004
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faen [²fQÐYn] devil! NOTE Most common swear
fitte ! pussy (cunt) NOTE Used to refer to a
bollemus ! bowl-mouse NOTE Mean the same
as the norwegian «venusbeg, but here is the female's vagina, or to talk disrespectful about
shape extremly curved. a female (i.e She if a cunt!).
Fomlepung Mess up everything NOTE Often
bollingmoer (masc. noun) ! extremely lazy,
used by people who mess up a lot!!!
stupid, ignorant, and fat person NOTE Very
regional expression used in the
forhud foreskin NOTE That's's the
Hundhammaren region outside Trondheim.
movable cover at the tip of your pecker!
forpult (adj.) ! overfucked NOTE Very useful all-
bryster tits
purpose insult. Literally means that
bryster breasts something or someone has been fucked so
much it has been worn out. Example:
bćgćM6E (noun, n) :& Stupid animal
Forpulte hestkuk!
błlgertaM6EDK2ąłża (noun, m.) Stupid man.
gessćl provoking bastard NOTE (local
dass shithouse NOTE The place where u go to
dialect) Hedmark, Norway
shit ... the toilet. (not your bed I hope!)
Gutta boys The boys from Sinsen (oslo) NOTE
Dra dit pepper'n gror go where the pepper is
This expression was a slang from the 50ies
growing NOTE Allmost the same as "go to
and first used by the real gutta boys Arne and
hell", but not that strong expression.
Dra til helvete Go to hell NOTE (no further info i
required here.)
drittsekk shitbag NOTE Often translated to the
helvete hell
elnglish expression: asshole.
herpe (verb) screw up / alternate the
dćven steike satan friing NOTE very regular
appearance/use of something NOTE A
svear-expression. (often used when
deviation of the noun "herpes", saying
somebody is wery surprised)
something is not right. Example: Jeg herpa
dćven steike [²dćÐvYn ²st[jkY] NOTE This
gitaren min med en saks: I customized my
expression, along with several others, shows
guitar with a scissor. Example II: Et virus
the use of the subjunctive ('steike'). The
herpa harddisken min: A virus damaged my
subjunctive is extinct in Norwegian, but
hard disk. Example III: LSD herper ditt syn på
survives in some idioms ('leve kongen' - 'live
verden: LSD radically alters your perception.
the king'), and is commonly used in
Example IV: Ikke herp med puppene mine:
expletives similar to this one.
Lay off my tits! Example V: Hjernen din er helt
herpa: You're sick (/your brain is badly luremus trick mouse NOTE You never got what
damaged). you thought you would get....
hestkuk ! horsedick NOTE Same strength as
mother fucker
hore ! whore, hooker, prostitued, bitch, slut morrabrłd morning log NOTE The kind of
NOTE (Generally used for many bad
erection one tends to wake up with in the
håndjager hand-fighterairplane / handhunter
mus mouse NOTE Means "pussy" when used
NOTE An amusing way of saying «ronk in in bad norwegian language.
onanere ! mastrubate (females) NOTE Similar
idiot idiot NOTE (same expression in both
to the norwegian expression «ronk.
pikk prick,cock NOTE A man's penis.Also used
jubelidiot cheer-idiot NOTE The same as as to describe people you don't like,though
norwegian «kronidiot it's not a very effective expression,because it
is widely reckoned as a childish thing to say.
jćvel devil NOTE Also common expression for
"son of a bitch".
pikktryne dickface NOTE May not sound as
strong in English as it will be interpreted in
Pule fuck
Klitoriskost Mustache (slang from Oslo) NOTE
This word is a synonyme to connect the finer pupper tits
hair parts of a woman to the hairy part of a
pupper breasts
gents middle facial zones.
płngle (fem.noun) scrotum and testicles NOTE
klitt ! clitoris NOTE a females «love-button...
Regional expression from the Ålesund area.
knulle to fuck NOTE when somebody having Used if you don't like someone's face.
sexual intercorse
kronidiot crownidiot NOTE Describes
someone that is extremly idiotic/stupid
rasshłl asshole NOTE not as common as the
kuk cock, dick, pecker NOTE Common
english asshole, hence more effectful
expression for a man's penis. Also used as
ronk ! jerk off, mastrubate (males) NOTE (Don't
an expression for "asshole"
try this yourself...You can get blind by doing
rćvhłl ! asshole NOTE not as common as the
english asshole, hence more effectful
rćvsleiker (masc.noun) a servil person NOTE
the same as 'spyttslikker' but a stronger
expression. Directly translated to
sau sheep NOTE used to patronize people. (i.e.
You are stupid as a sheep)
snłgge (noun, f.) ! Stupid woman
spyttslikker (masc. noun) A servil person
stille ANTON ! quiet Anton NOTE A more
discrete way of saying «ronk in norwegian
stille ANTON quiet Anton NOTE A more
discrete way of saying «ronk in norwegian
ståkuk hardon, boner, erection NOTE
Describes an erected cock/penis
suppegjłk soup-geek NOTE The same as
norwegian «sau, but a bit milder expression.
svin pig (bastard) NOTE Used to speak
patronizing about somebody. (i.e. You bloody
tispe bitch, slut
venusberg venus-hills NOTE Refering to how
a female's pussy is shaped. (nice & curved in
WALDO ! That's right: NOTE It's the name of
my cock.


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