.nolist ;quartz assumption 4Mhz
.include "ATxmega128A3def.inc"
.ESEG ; EEPROM memory segment
.DSEG ; SRAM memory.segment
.ORG 0x200
RAMTAB: .BYTE 256 ; Destination table (xlengthx bytes).
.CSEG ; CODE Program memory. Remember that it is "word" address space
.org 0x100
rjmp RESET
ldi r16, 0x00
ldi r17, 0x00
ldi r18, 0xeb
inc r16
brne del_0
inc r17
brne del_0
inc r18
brne del_0
ldi R21, 0xff
out PORTE, R21
ldi r16, high(RAMEND); Main program start
out SPH,r16 ; Set stack pointer to top of RAM
ldi r16, low(RAMEND)
out SPL,r16
cli ; Disable all interrupts ;
; place here code related to initialization of ports and interrupts
ldi r16, 0xff
out DDRE, r16
ldi r16, 0xff
out PORTE, r16
ldi r16, 0x00
out DDRF, r16
ldi r16, 0xff
out PORTF, r16
; End of port initialization
;sei Enable interrupts ;
; Main program code place here
cbi PORTE, 0
rcall Delay
cbi PORTE, 1
rcall Delay
cbi PORTE, 2
rcall Delay
cbi PORTE, 3
rcall Delay
cbi PORTE, 4
rcall Delay
cbi PORTE, 5
rcall Delay
cbi PORTE, 6
rcall Delay
cbi PORTE, 7
rcall Delay
rjmp Main0
rjmp END
; place here test values
; Test with value 0x8000 also
; ROMTAB: .db 0x01, 0x00 , 0xffff
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