Typology of active recreation areas, planning methodology of recreational areas in the city, directions for development of leisure space in urban areas and non-urban areas, architectural Solutions for leisure places, tourist space objects, elements of modem tourism infrastructure project Solutions for sports grounds for each discipline, golf courses, resort, waterfront, boulevard, city beaches, areas of sports and leisure riding.

Recommended reading


Ujma-Wąsowicz K., Kształtowanie przestrzeni sportowo-rekreacyjnych w mieście. Ewolucja

problemu, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2012

Pawlikowska-Piecholka A., Planowanie przestrzeni turystycznej, Novae Res, 2013

Losantos A., Santos Quartino D., Vranckx B., Krajobraz miejski: Nowe trendy, nowe inspiracje,

nowe rozwiązania, Loft Publications, 2007

Neufert E., Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno - budowlanego, Arkady, 1998


Wines J., Zielona Architektura, Taschen 2008

Asseessment methods and criteria

Classesss - Project: P W01, P W02, P W03, P K03

P_U01. P_U02, P_U3, P_U04, P_K01, P_K02,

Student workload

Number of hours

Contact hours


Individual work of student


Class preparation

Study of the literaturę




Preparation for tests and the examination

Total student workload (hours)


Number of ECTS credits allocated




Landscape Architecture, 15


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