Projects urbanization port areas in the cities of Northern Europę are generally priority projects on the widest scalę development. These projects are the result of the develop-ment strategy of development of the State (region, metropolitan area), and regional plan-ning. Urban development of Danish Capital of Copenhagen is under pressure of metropolitan function European Region Great Copenhagen & Skane. In the master plans of postindustrial port areas the ideas of sustainable development, the introduction of innova-tive technology and energy-efficient, multi-functionality of located enterprises, previously nonfunctional, the legacy of post-exposure and creating a new identity wasteland are allowed.
In Copenhagen, there is successfully introduced a number of principles for the develop-ment of cities, especially important for the development postindustrial port areas: innova-tive approach used, consisting of the functional diversity of localized businesses, services as well as distribution of various social groups; implemented principle of the location of new settlements in the vicinity of nodes public transport and railway network; increased possibility of development in the city center; improvement the conditions of living stan-dards; solved the problem of preventing and inhibiting the destruction of the natural envi-ronment.
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