in entering mai2c leaves and coleoptilcs has not prcviouslv been described. Thrre are morc than 200 references.

0 134 Demeure, Y. [Reasons for survival of certain pbytoparasitic nematodes (Scutellonema cavenessi and Meloidogyile spp.) during the dry season in the Senegalesc Sabel.J Les caoscs dc la survic dc ccnains nematodes phytoparasitcs (Scutellonema cavenessi ct Meloidogyne spp.) pendant la saison scche dans (c Sahel Senegalais. Thesis Universit6 Claudc Bernard (Lyon 1) Paris, France; ORSTOM. (I979) 105 pp. [FrJ

[308] DERN, R. [Migratory plant-parasitic nematodes in agriculture.) Frcilcbendc Wurzelnematoden im Ackerbau. [Abstract]. 131 [Dc] Pnanzcnschutzamt Frankfurt Main, GFR.

In Hesse, German Fedcral Republic, nearly ałl agricuftural land is infested with Pratylenchus, about one third having morę than 250 Pratylcnchus sp./250 ml soil. Numbers of the nematodes e*tracted from 10 g samples of roots were 6440 in cye, 7310 in barley, 7490 in wheat, 26 650 in oats. 2780 in maize, 3620 in clover, 2500 in beet and 2320 in potato. A comparison of crops on nematicide-treated and untreated plots showed an avcrage yield 25% higher on treated maize plots even in dry years. With heavicr nematode infestations the differences between treated and untreated plots were larger.

0 135 Graham. J. H. (Coordinator); Stuteville, D. L.; Frosheiser. F. I.; Erwin, D. C. A compendium of alfalfa diseases. Minnesota, USA; American Phytopathological Socicty. (1979) vi + 65 pp (En, 8 pl. (unpaged))

This compendium is intended to help extension and advisory plant pathologists in the diagnosis of diseases of luceme. After an introductory section outlining disease devclopmcnt and giving a short generał account of disease agents and thc principlcs of control therc arc sections detailing the diseases caused by abiotic agents and by biotic agents including bacteria, fungi, viruses, insects and nematodes. These sections give descriptions of the symptoms of disease. the causal organism, the disease cycle and control methods. The 3 nematodes dealt with in detail are Ditylcnchus dipsaci (the most important), Meloidogyne spp. and Pratyfenchus spp., the first 2 bcing illustrated by linę drawings and photographs. A guide to the idenlification of luceme diseases classified by the plant part affected. a glossary of terms and a comprchensive index complete the compendium. The book is well illustrated throughout with many linę drawings and with black and white and coloured photographs. It amply fulfills its purpose.

0136 Northern Ireland. Department of AGRICULTURE Northern Ireland Agriculture, 38th Annuol General Report of tbe Department of Agriculture year ended 31 March 1979. Belfast; HM Stationery OfTice. (1979) 158 pp. (En, Plant nematology pp. 39*40)

Work reported on includes; screening of potato seedlings and varieties for resistance to Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida, development of morę efFicient techniques for resistance screening and investigations of damage caused by clover cyst nematode [Heterodera trifolii] to clover in glasshouse esperiments.

0137 KaTalaN-GaTEva. S. D.; GUDUROVA, L. B. lihe endoparasiric species Zygotylenchus guerarni (Tobur Jimenez, 1963) Braun & Loof, 1966, (Nernatoda, Tylcnchida) found in Bułgaria.] Acta Zoofogica Bulgarica (1979) No. 12, 44-49 (Bg. en, ru)

Zygotylenchus guevarai was recorded for the first time in Bułgaria on luceme (Mcdicago sativa), beans (Phaseolus YuJgBsiś) and maize (Zea mays) which were ncw hosts for the nematode. The biometric data of nematode populations from Bułgaria. Germany, Czechoslovakia. France. ItaJy, Tunisia and Sp&in are tabulated.

*0138 Elgin, J. H., Jr. Inheritance of stem-nematode resistance in alfalfa. Crop Science (1979) 19 (3) 352-354 (En] Field Crops Lab., Plant Genetics & Germplasm Inst., AR. SEA. USDA, BARĆ West BeltsviUe, MD 20705, USA.

Inheritance of resistance to Ditylcnchus dipsaci in luceme was investigated by sclfing and testerossing 25 resistant and 3 susceptible clones. Segregation ratios could be eaplained by the bypothesis that resistance was conditioned by 2 complementary, dominant, tetrasoroicaiJy inherited genes, Sn and Snj. EvaJuation of results from earlier reports confirmed the conclusions.

0 13 9 OLOWE, T.    Research work on root knot

nematodes at the National Cereals Research Institute, Ibadan. In ProceedJngs of the rcsearch pjanning conference on root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., 7-11 June, 1976. /badan, Nigeria. Ibadan, Nigeria; International Institute ot Tropical Agriculture. (1976) 15-19 (En. IMP Contract No. AlD/ta-c-!234] Nematol. Div., National Cereals Res. Inst., P.M.B. 5042, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria.

A survey of maize in 7 States of Nigeria showed infestation with Meloidogyne spp. in 51% of the sites examined. The worst afTccted varieties were Farz 26 & 27. The survey is to be extendcd in cowpea-growing areas. In pot tests of 46 lines/varieties of cowpeas with M. incognita one was immune, 24 were resistant or highly resistant and 17 susceptible or highly susceptible. The resistant varieties are to be re-examined under severe conditions. Surveys of cowpea and soybean are continuing.

0 14 0 Gill, J. S.; SWARUP, G. Pathogenic effect of Tylencborhyncbus rulgaris on gram. Indian Journal of Nematology (1977, publ. 1979) 7 (2) 155-156 [En] Div. of Nematol., Indian Agric. Res. Inst., New Delhi 110012, India.

Tylenchorhynchus yulgans was inoculated on seedlings of Cicer arietinum grown in pots of sterilized soil with farmyard manure. Plant growth was decreased with inereasing inoculum levels up to 20 000 nematodes/pot. Decreases in shoot weight and root length were significant. Finał nematode populations inereased with inoculum level.

0 14? Haider, M. G.; Nath. R. P.; Prasad. S. S. Studies on the lance nematode Hoplolaimus indlcus. I. Pathogcnieity and histopathogenesis on maize. Indian Journal of Nematology (1978, publ. 1979) 8 (1) 9-12 (En) Dep. of Nematol., Sugarcane Res. Inst., Rajendra Agric. Un»v.. Bihar, Pusa 848125, India.

In a pot experiment 10 day-old maize seedlings inoculated with 100 or morc Hoplolaimus indicus larvae showed significant growth reduction. Leaves of infested plants were yc llowed and the tips started to dry 15 to 20 days alt er inoculation and most of the leavcs were dried out after 2 months. Roots of plants inoculated with 100 000 nematodes were totally destroyed. The decrease in plant growth was proportional to the initial inoculum level. Reproduction of thc nematode popuhtion was most rapid at an inoculum density of 10 nemaiodes/plaut and slowest at 10 000 nematodes/plunt. The nematode population from the inoculum of 100 000 decreased from the initial level. H. indicus was observed feeding ecto- and endoparasitically. No hypertrophy or hyperplasia of ceUs was observed but browning of epidermal cells was seen around the point of infcction or feeding site. The parenchymatous cells of the cortex around the feeding site were granular. thick-walled and stained darkly with safTranine. In laler stages of infection the cytoplasm disappeared and tunnels were formed in thc cortical tissues due to celi wali disintegration. In heavily infested roots the epidermis was completely sloughcd o(T.

#0142 WiLLUT, J. M.; MaLEK, R. B. Spatial distriburion of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with córa. (Ann. Meet. Amer. Phytopath. Soc., N. Cent. Div., 25-27 lunę. 1979.). Phytopathology (1979) 69 (5) 544 [En] Dep. of Plant 106 Path. Univ. of IUionis, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.


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