02 9 7 RadoSinskV, J. [Research tasks completed at the Research Institute for Plant Production In Pieśt’any.]
Vyrie$ene vedeckovyskumnł ulohy vo Vyskumnom ustave rastlinnej v£roby v Pirft*anoch. V<łstntk ćeskoslorenske Akademie Zemódćlskt (1976) 23 (7) 324-331 [Sk] VtJRV. PieŚfany, Czechoslovakia. From Plant Breeding Abstracts, 48, 79.
The luceme varieties Marais de Chalans, Elga, Poitou, Du Poits, Orchfienne and Palava were resistant to Ditylenchus dipsaci in Czechoslovakia.
V 0 2 9 8 Srivastava, A. N.; Swarup, G. Prelimlnary stu di es on some graminaceous planu for their susceptibility to the malrj» cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae Koshy et alM 1970. Indian Journal of Nematology (1975, publ. 1977) 5 (2) 257-259 [En) Div. of Nematol., Indian Agric. Res. Inst., New Delhi, India.
Zea mays and Setaria italica were good hosts of Heterodera zeae in India, the maize variety Rattan showing least susceptibility and Shakti exhibiting maximum infestation.
*0 299 Noel, G. R.; Meyer, R. D.; Lownsbery, B. F. Effect of Macropostbonia currata on the nutrition of alfalfa. [16th Ann. Meet., Soc. Nematol., East Lansing, Michigan. 16-19 Aug. 1977. Abstract.J. Journal of Nematology (1977) 9 (4) 278-279 (En) Dcp.of Nematol., Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
In Macroposthonia curva ta-i nfected alfalfa Moapa 69 plants, PO«-P and Zn levels were significantly reduced but P, N, crude protein and K leve!s were not affected.
0300 Noel, G. R.; Lownsbery, B. F. The pathogenfdty of Tylenchorbynchus clams to alfalfa. [16th Ann. Meet., Soc. Nematol., East Lansing, Michigan, 16-19 Aug. 1977. Abstract.). Journal of Nematology (1977) 9 (4) 278 [EnJ Dep. of Nematol., Univ. of California, Davis. CA 95616, USA.
One-month-old secdlings of luceme cv. Moapa 69 grown in pots were inoculated with 1800 axenized
Tylenchorbynchus clarus and grown at 21, 24 or 27'C. The nematode reduced plant growth at all temperatures. Root penetration was mainly in the zonę of difTerentiaiion. Greatest reproduction occurred at 24 and 27'C.
*030 1 RiCH, J. R.; KEEN, K. T.; Thomason, I. J. Association of coumestans wlth the hypersensitirity of Lima bean roott to Pratytencbus scribneri. Physio/ogicał Plant Pathology (1977) 10 (2) 105-116 (En) Dep. of Nematol. and PI. Path., Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 92502, USA.
Roots of Phaseolus lunatus exhibitcd a hypersensitive response to Pratylenchus scribneri concomitant with the accumulation of at least 4 coumestans. Phaseolus vulgaris allowed rapid multiplication of the nematode, showed no visible response and did not accumulatc significant amounts of coumestans. One of the coumestans, identified as coumestrol, inhibited the motility of Pratylenchus scribneri above 5 pg/m\ in vitro. One other compound was tentatively identified as psoralidin. Coumestans may be related to the expression of resistance of Phaseolus lunatus roots to Pratylenchus scribneri.
0 3 02 Sharma, N. K.; SeTHI, C. L. Effecte of initial Inocuhun łerels of Meloidogyne incognita and Heterodera calanl on cowpea and on their population derelopment. Indian Journal of Nematology (1975, publ. 1977) 5 (2) 148-154 [En] Div. of Nematol., Indian Agric. Res. Inst., New Delhi 110012, India.
Cowpea secdlings var. Pusa Barsati grown in sterilized soi) in pots were inoculated with 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 larvae of Meloidogyne incognita or Heterodera cajani, or with a combined inoculum of 5,000 larvae of each species. The tbreshold level for producing measurabie effects on the growth of the plants was 100 larvae/500 g soil of either nematode. The finał population was greatest at this inoculum ievel but the ratę of multiplication was greatest with an
inoculum of 10 larvae. The effects of the combined inoculum were similar to lhose caused by an inoculum of 10,000 larvae of either nematode alone.
030 3 NAGANATHAN, T. G.; Sivakumar, C. V. Host-parasite relationships and influence of soil types on the lesion nematode, Pratylenchus delattrei Luc, 1958, on maize. Indian Journal of Nematology (1975, publ. 1977) 5 (2) 162-169 (En) Dep. of Enfomol., Tamil Nadu Agric. Univ., Coimb3tore 641003. India.
Pratylenchus delattrei multiplied better on Zea mays growing in pots of black, sandy clay loam and brown. sandy loam than on the host plant in red, sandy loam, which had coarscr fractions and less favourable cation exchange and water holding capacities. In both red and brown sandy loam. the nematode was pathogenic causing brown to black lesion* on the maize roots, extensivc damagc to the cortex and reduced shoot and root weights. In red, sandy loam. a positive correlation was shown between initial and finał populations with inocula of 1, 2 or 4 nematodes/5 g soil. In black, sandy clay loam and brown, sandy loam ihere was a curvilincar relationship with a decline in population afler inoculations with 4 nematodes/5 g soil.
*030 4 Thomas, S. H. Population densities ot nematodes under seren tillage regiraes. Journal of Nematology (1978) 10 (1) 24-27 (En) Dep. of Bot. & PI. Path., Iowa State Univ., Ames, la 50011, USA.
Under the 7 tillage regimes tested, densities of Xiphinema americanum, dorylaims, Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus, Pratylenchus hexincisus and P. scribneri on Zea mays were highest in no-till ridge plots and Iowest in autumn- or spring-ploughed plots. Tylenchs were most numerous in ofTset-disk, autumn-plough, spring-plough and chisel-plough plots but Aphełenchus spp., Aphelenchoides spp., Hoplolaimus galeatus, Tylenchorbynchus nudus,
Psilenchinae, Mononchidae and nonstylet-bearing nematodes were not affected by tillage treatments.
*0300 IbraHIM, 1. K. A. Effects of plant-growtb substances on pathogenłcity of Meloidogyne jarania on horse bean and soybean. (16th Ann. Meet., Soc. Nematol., East Lansing, Michigan, 16-19 Aug. 1977. Abstract.J. Journal of Nematology (1977) 9 (4) 271 (En) Fac. of Agric., Alexandria Univ., Arexandria. Egypt.
Spraying of Vicia faba and Glycine max with either 50 or 100 fig/ml indole-3-acetic acid (1AA) at the time of inoculation with Meloidogyne jaranica, 50 pg/ml 24 hours before . inoculation or 50 pg/m\ indole butyric acid or gibberellic acid before and at the time of inoculation, suppressed gali development and severity. Treatment with 10 p.g/ml IAA at the time of inoculation and application of IAA 24 hours afler infection stimulated root gailing and suppressed plant growth.
*0308 Murdoch, C. L.; aft, W. J.; Tashiro. H. Effects of nematicides on root-knot nematodes in bertnudagrass putting greens in Hawaił. Plant Diseasc Reporter (1977) 61 (11) 978-981 (En) Dep. of Hort.. Univ. of Hawaii, VSA.
Nematicides were tested for efficacy against Meloidogyne incognita in ‘Tifdwarf bermudagrass (Cynodon spp) putting greens. Phenamiphos and DBCP gave excellent control with repeated applications. Diazinon-xylene. CGA-12223 and oxamyl were ineffective. No improvcmcnt in turf quality was noted as a result of nematode control.
*0 30 7 Rhoades, H. L. Influence of nonflimigant. nematicides and DBCP on Belopolalmus longicaudatus and yield of field corn in central Florida. Plant Disease Reporter (1978) 62 (1) 91-94 (En) Inst. of Food and Agric. Sci., Univ. of Florida, Agric. Res. and Education Center, Sanford, FL 32771, USA.
In a 3-year study conducted in central Florida, USA, fensulphothion, phenamiphos, ethoprop, carbofuran, aldicarb, 124 oxamyl, sulphocarb, CG A 12223, and AC 64,475, applied at