cyst nematode.}

Bad en- Wurttemberg

2.2 kg a.i./ha in-the-row just ahead ot planting, reduced populations of Bdonolaimus longicaudatus and significantly mcreased yiclds of Zea mays. Phenamiphos and oxamyl, applied post-plant aft er injury symptoms were present, greatly reduccd nematode populations, but yield incrcascs wcrc much less than for applications just before planting. DBCP applied at 6.7 kg a.i./ha in-the-row and at 16.8 kg a.i./ha broadcast performed as well as the nonfumigants applied just before planting.

*0 3 08 McSORLEY, R.; FERRIS, J. M.; FERRIS, V. R. A

fredictire cimulatlon model of corn-nematode interactions. 16th Ann. Meet., Soc. Nematol., East Lansing, Michigan. 16-19 Aug. 1977. Abstract.J. Journal of Nematology (1977) 9 (4) 277 [En) Dep. of Entomol., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.

The model, constructed from field and glasshouse data. is uscd to simulate population lcvels of Pratylenchus hexincisus in maize roots during growth.

0 3 09 Nigeria, Federal Department of Agricultural Research Annual report 1973-74. Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria. (1975) 178 pp. [En, Plant Nematology 42-45. 96-99, 157-160, 167-173]

Of 16 gen era of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with maize in Nigeria, Aphdenchus, Hdicotylenchus and Pratylenchus were the most common and P. scribneri was the most widespread species. Cultivar resistance of maize to P. scribneri, of okra to Meloidogyne and of lowland rice to Aphelenchoides is detailed and host ranges of Pratylenchus, Meloidogyne and Aphelencoides are given. Tylenchus, Tylenchorbynchus, Pratylenchus, Heterodera, Meloidogyne and Aphelencoides were most common around lowland rice. Scutdlonema clathricaudatum, Pratylenchus zeae and Hdicotylenchus erythrinae were predominant and widespread around sugar-cane. Nematodes found around tomato, okra and pepper are Usted and control of maize nematodes by fallowing and cropping techniques and of root-knot nematodes on tomato by Nemagon is described.

0310 Maassen, H.    [Oat

Hafemematoden. Pflanzenschutzdienst

Jahresbericht (1975) 213-214 [De]

In the Donaueschingen dis tri ct of West Germany 63% of 24 soil sam pies were infested with Heterodera avenae. In the Waldshut district oat cyst nematodes bave damaged oats and maize.

0311 Ogbuji, R. O. Responses of cowpea {Vigna unguiculata) to inoculatioo with root-knot nematode and cowpea rhizobłum. [Ann. Conf. (6th) NSPP, Nsukka. Nigeria. 16-18 Feb., 1976. Abstract). Occasional Publication, Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (1977) No. 2, 58 [En] Crop. Sci. Dep., Univ. of Nigeria. Nsukka. Nigeria.

Three-day-old seedlings of 2 cowpea cvs (TYU 317 and Ife Brown) inocułated with cowpea rhizobia and root-knot nematodes 24 hrs later, grew well and had high counts of galls and nodules on their roots. Separate inoculation with either root-knot nematodes or cowpea rhizobia resulted in plants with fewer galts or nodules than when both inocula were applied at an interva). Seedlings inocułated simultaneously with root-knot nematodes and cowpea rhizobia became stunted and had few or no galls or nodules on their roots.

03 T 3 Wouts, w. M.; Sturhan, D. The tdentity of Heterodera trifolii GofTart, 1932 and tbe description of H. darem n.sp. (Nematoda: Tylencbida). Nematologica (1978) 24 (1) 121-128 [En, de, 1 pl. (unpaged)] Entomol. Div., Dep. of Sci. and Industrial Res., Auckland, New Zealand.

Heterodera trifolii is re-described from the type locality and a neotype cyst with eggs is deposited in the German nematode collection in Munster. The neotype cyst is 620 /im long, 430 pm wide, with distances of outer edges of semifenestrae from vulval slit 25 pm and 30 /im, fenestral width 35 pm, vulval slit 40 pm, width of vulval bridge 7 /im and length of underbridge 105 firn. The cyst is light brown with a pronounced vulvaJ conc, a coarse zig-zag cuticułar pattem and pale brown bullae. Juveniles from the cyst had an average length of 517 pm, width 19.4 /im, stylet length 28 jim, the stylet knobs robust with anterior faces deeply concave. The lateral field has 4 lines and is not areolated. Males are unknown. H. trifolii is separated from H. glycines, H. rosii and H. galcopsidis by juvenile characters. Larvae of H. glycines are shorter (440 /im) with shorter taił (50 /im compared with 65 /im in H. trifolii) and hyaline part of taił (27 /im compared with 37.5 /im) and shorter stylet (23 /im). H. rosii has a longer stylet (31 /im) and H. galcopsidis bas a stylet of 22 /im. The type locality is pasture with Trifolium repens, which is shown in tests to be a good host. H. darerti n.sp. was collected from pasture on dark sandy soil in a forest area south of Munster, West Germany, and reared on Trifolium repens in a glasshouse. It has lemon-shaped ambifenestrate cysts (650 /im by 380 /im) with a long vulval slit (47 urn) and well-deve!oped bullae and underbridge (82 |im long). The males average 1043 pm long, 25 /im wide and have a stylet of 27.6 /im long and knobs with fiat or slightly concave anterior faces, spicules 30 to 33 /im and gubemaculum 11 to 12 /im. The juveniles are 457 /im long, 19 /im wide, the stylet is 25 /im, taił 55 /im with hyaline part 60% of its length and stylet knobs strong with anterior faces slightly concave. H. darerti is similar to H. glycines but the larvae have longer stylets (23 /im in H. glycines), are slightly longer (440 /im in H. glycines) and the hyaline part of the taił is only 50% of the total in H. glycines. H. darerti differs from H. trifolii, H. galcopsidis and H. rumicis in having males, and from H. trifolii also in the shorter total length, stylet and taił lengths and smaller, less concave stylet knobs of the juveniles.

0 3 14 Stanford, E. H. Genetic resources In alfalfa and their preserration. Califomia Agriculture (1977) 31 (9) 22-23 [En] Dep. Agron. & Rangę Sci., Univ. Calif., Davis. USA. From Plant Breeding Abstracts 48. 4414.

After a summary of its history as a cuhivated crop, the breeding of Mcdicago sativa vars. resistant to Ditylenchus dipsaci, Phytophthora megasperma, Meloidogyne spp. and Therioaphis mac ula ta in Califomia is briefly described. The sources used for the work at Davis have mostly been USDA collections.

0 3 15 Ogbuji, R. O. Influence of soil pH on reproduction of Meloidogyne ln cogn i ta. [Ann. Conf. (7th) NSPP, Ibadan, Nigeria, 7-9 March. 1977. Abstract]. Occasional Publication, Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. (1977) No. 2, 47 [En] Dep. of Crop Sci., Univ. of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.

When tomato cv Roma VF and cowpea cv Ife Brown were inocułated with Meloidogyne incognita and grown in soil at pH 4.6, 5.6 or 7.6, root-knot galls developed at all pH levels but egg masses were produced only at pH 5.6 and 7.6.

0312 STONE, A. R.; SOSA MOSS, C.; MUIATY, R. H. [Tazonomic position of tbe cyst nematode of maize.) Posición tazonómica actual del nemśtodo enquistado en el maiz. [Abstract). In Arances en la enscńanza y la inrestigación, 1975-1976. Chapingo. Mexico. (1976) 92 [Es] Rothamsted Exp. Sta., Harpenden, UK.

A Mexican race of Heterodera punctata which attacks only Zea mays and Z. mexicana is in fact a new species and will be described elsewhere.

*0318 Lucernę, pasture nematodes. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture (1978) 136 (4) 57 (En)

Ozamyl and phenamiphos were most effective in reducing root-knot nematode damage in young lucernę plants in New Zealand. Nematicides reduccd the number of nematodes on w hi te clover but had no effect on pasture appearance or yield.

0317 Egunjobi, O. A. Nematodes and maize growth 125 in Nigeria. III. Effects of cocoa pod hnsk soil amendments


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