056 3-BOYD, F. T.; PERRY, V. G., 1970. “The effecr of song nematodcs on establishment, yield, and growth of forage grasses on Florida sandy soils.” Proc. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla, Year 1969, 29,288-300.
Of 18 forage grasses tested in Florida, USA, for rtsistance to BeUmolawms longicaudatut, some varicties of Digitaria gazensis and D. procumbens were non-hosts; Digitaria X 125-1, Coastcross 1, Paraguay bahifl 22 (Paspalum no ta tum var.) and Slenderstem digitgrass (Digitaria sp.) were poor hosts and the others good hosts or grew poorly. 15 sclections of 82 introductions of Chloris gayana were also hiehJy resistant. Sting nematodes became inacdve or descended to deeper layers when the tempera rurę one inch below bare soil ezceeded 103MF. Yields of susceptible Pangola grass (Digitaria procumbcns) increased when soil temperaturę rosę above 103*. Yields of a number of Digitaria spcdes and varieties and of Chloru gayana mtro-ductiona were oorrdated with their tesistance to Sting nematodes. Yields of both susceptible and resistant grasses were higher with increased feralization in summer but the increased growth led to shadlng of the soil redudng soil temperaturę which favoured mulnplication of the nematodes. Susceptible yarieties therefore benefited less from fertilizanon than did resistant.
#0 8 6 4—COLBRAN, R. C., 1971. "Studies of plant and soil nematodes. 15. Eleven new spęd es of Radopholus Thomc and a new spedes of Kadopho-loides de Guiran (Nematoda: Tylenchoidea) from Australia.” Qd J. agric. anim. Sci.t 21 (4), 437-460.
The following new spedes have been described from Queensland and New South Walcs, Australia: Radopholus rtenis from bnperata cyhndrica var. major; R. cręnatus from eucalypt forest soil;
06 6 7 -GUPTA, J. C; ATWAL, A. S., 1971. “Biology and ecology of Hoplolcdmus indicus (Hoplolaiminae: Nematoda). II. The influence of various entrironmental factors and host plants on the reproductive potential.” Nematologica, 17 (2), 277-284. (German summary p. 284.)
Hoplolaimus indicus thritres best at 30°C. and soil pH 7, in sandy loam with 16% moisture content. The host plants on which rapid multiplication tak es place are tomato, sugar-cane and maize. No reproduction occurs on gram (Cicer arierinum), guava (Cyamposis tetragonoloba), tobacco, water-melon, sugar-beet and rape-seed. With an inerease in the initiAl level of population a corresponding decrease in the ratę of reproduction tak es place.
#0588 YEATES, G.W.; CR0UCHLEY, G.C.; WITCHALLS, J.T. Effect of soli fumigatlon on white clover growth In a yellow-grey earth Infested with clover cyst nematode. New Zealand Journal of Agrlcultural Research (1975) 18 (2) 149-153 (En) Soli Bureau, DSIR, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
A field trlal ln New Zealand to study the effects of soli fumlgants on pure swards of 'Grasslands Hula' white clover growlng ln a yellow-grey earth Infested Heterodera trlfolll was run for 18 months. The treat-ments, repllcated four tlmes (24 plot8, 2 x 1 m), were: control, methyl bromlde, D-D at 300 1/ha, Nenagon at 11.23 1/ha or 22.46 1/ha, and Mocap at 67 kg/ha. 12 harvests were taken durlng the trlal and mean yield response to fumigatlon was 7.6.% [- 0.2% (Nemagon 22.46 1/ha) to 12.3% (D-D)).
However, durlng perlods of actlvlty of the nematode yields were up to 46% higher ln fumigated than in control plots. The effect was enhanced by molsture stress. Fumigatlon also extended the growlng season lnto the summer drought.
0 6 6 6 -CASSINI, R.; CAUBEL, G., 1969. [Dity-Unchus dipsaci on maize in Beauce in 1968.) “DityUnchus dipsaci sur mais en Bcaucc en 1968.” C. r. htbd. Słane. Acad. Agric. Fr.t 55 (9), 646-651.
An account is given of attack by Ditylenchus dipsaci on maize in the Beauce region of France. The first obvnous symptom was the toppling over of plants having no secondary roots; stunting and “rulip-rooi” symptoms were observed in plants that rcmained standing. Necrosis occurred in stems at the level of development of the tillers. Nematodes were found in the bssues of affected plants. Prcvious cropping had no apparent effect on the occurrence of the disease but 12 of 18 fields affected were sown immcdiately beforc a cool rainy period. In preliminary tests using soil from fields with infested maize, no infestation was found
0 6 6 6 —GRIFFIN, G. D.; WAITE, W. W., 1971. “Attraction of Ditylenchus dipsaci and Meloido-gyne hopla by resistant and susceptible alfalfa scedlings.” J. Nematol3 (3), 215-219.
DityUnchus dipsaci were equally attracted to resistant Lahontan and susceptible Ranger lucernę scedlings ezposed to them at various distances and under different temperarurc regimes. Howcvcr, at 12-5 mm. and 20°Ć. the suscepóbles were morę attraciive. The same was tnie for Meloidogyns hopla offered M-9 (resistant) and Lahontan (susceptible to this sp.) seedlings singly. When hatched midway between the rwo, morę larvae were attracted to the susceptibles.
0668-ELGIN, Jr., J. H.; GRAY, F. A., 1971. “Dichlorvos pest sirips reduce stem nematode damage in seedling alf alfa.” PI. Dis. Reptr, 55 (7), 621-622.
Lucerne seedlings inoculated with Ditylenchus dipsaci were grown in the prcsence and absence of a 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (dichlorvos) impregnated pest strip. Symptoms and nematode numbers were reduced when seedlings were grown for 24 days in the presence of the dichlorvos strip. Nematodes were found mostly below the sóil surface in the hypocoryl of plants grown ezposed to dichlonros, and mostly in the cotylcdonary node when no dichlorvo& was present.
JIMENEZ, A.; GUEVARA-POZO, D., 1970. ”Quandtative study of the life cyde of H. goetńngiana Liebschcr and the possibility of its control by trap crops.” [Abstraa.) International Nematology Sympońum. (I0r/j), Europę an Society of Nematologists, Fescara, 8-13 Scpt.> -1970. Summaries, pp. 102-103. (Also in French, German & Italian.]
[Vicia satitMs a successful trap crop under ezperi-mental conditions.]
0 5 7 1 ALAN, M.M.; NAQVI, S.Q.A.; HAHM00D, K. Three addltlonal hosts of the stubby-root nematode, Trlchodorua mirzal Siddlqi, 1960. Current Science f19751 44 (19) 722 [Enj 167 Dep. of Bot., Allgarh Musllm Univ., Allgarh