agrl. Indian Journal of Nematology (1974 puET. 1975) 4 (2) 132-137 [En] Dep. of Plant Path. Unlv. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801, USA.
Tylenchorhynchus agrl on Kaniand red clover, TrlfoltunTpratense, was not patho-genlc for 90 days after lnoculatlon. The top growth and welght of red clover lncreased progresslvely as the level of Inoculum was lncreased from 1,000 to 10,000 nematodes/pot. The nematodes were seen to feed only on the epidermal cells In the region of elongatlon of thelr host roots.
0 6 7 3 HUTT0N, D.G.; HAMMERT0N, J.L. Investl-gatlng the role of Rotylenchulus rcnlformls ln a decllne of plgeon pea. (AbstractI. Nematropica (1975) 5 (2) 24 [Enl Plant
Protectlon Div., Min. of Agrlc., Hope, Jamalca, West Indies.
No relatlonship was evldent between the numbers of Rotylenchulus renlformls in the rhlzospheres- of 3 plgeon pea ICaJanus lndlcu8) yarletles ln Jamalca ań3 tnie number of plants showlng symptoms of decllne. However, when the nematode popula-tlons were suppressed the plants grew faster and flowered earller and one variety produced a slgnlflcantly greater- yleld of green pods.
0674 ENDO, B.Y. A SCHAEFFER, C.W., 1967. "Response of Heterodera trlfolll ln red clover roots to azauracil and other inhlbi-tors.'* Phytopathology, 57 (6), 576-579.
Azauracll, an inhibitor of RNA synthesis, consistently prevented Heterodera trlfolll from developing beyond the 3rd stage In roots of Trlfollum pratense. Uracil and urldlne, norma1 ćonstTtuents of nuclelc acid8, partially reversed thls effect.
0675 MINT0N, N.A. & D0NNELLY, E.D., 1967,. "Addltlonal Vlcla specles reslstant to root-knot nematodes.1* PI. Dis. Reptr, 51 (7), 614-616.
Classhouse experlments lndlcated that Vlcla calcarąta, V. serratlfolla, V. comlgera and seventeen F7 and Fg hybrlcfs from the V. satlva x V. cordata cross are reslstant~~ to keloldogyne łnćognlta, M. lncognlta acrita and ft. jąyanlca but susceptible to M. arenarla and H“ fiapla. V. leganyana and V. anguatlfolla are susceptible to all 5 nematode specles.
0676 SOUTHARDS, C.L., 1967. 'The pseudo-root-knot nematode of Berouda grass ln Tennessee.” PI. Dis. Reptr, 51 (6), 455.
Abundant egg masses and females of Hypsoperlne gramlnls were recovered from root fragmenta of Cynodon dactylon.
0677 SHAVR0V, G.N., 1967. (Three new
specles of Aphelencholdes Fischer, 1894 (Nematoda: Apnelenchołdidae).} Zooi. Zh., 46 (5), 762-764. [In Russlan: Engllsh
summary p.764.1
3 new specles of Aphelencholdes are descrlbed from the roots-and soil-around the roots of Glyclne hl spija ln the Prloorsk region lntKF^snanTar East. Ą. parablcaudatus n.sp. ls characterlzed by""a compound mucro and ls slmllar to A. bicaudatus but dlffers ln the struć turę ćf
the buccal capsule, stylet length (8 mlcrons) and the posltlon of the excretory porę and nerve ring. A. edltocaputls n.sp. has a single mucro an<T a short post-vulval uterlne sac and dlffers from A. splnosus by the shape of the tali, buccal capsule and ovary and the posltlon of the excretory porę and nerve ring. A. parasubtenuls n.sp. has a slmple mucro ~ano dlffers From A. subtenuls by the body slze and proportlons, shape of buccal capsule and the shape and slze of the genltal system.
0678 BIRD, A.F., 1967. ** Changes assoclated wlth parasltlsm ln nematodes. I. Morphology and pnyslology of preparasltlc and paraslt-Ic larvae of Meloldogyne Jąyanlca** F. Paraslt., 53 (4), 768-776.
Both morphological and phyatoJogical changes assoclated wlth the onset of the parasltlc modę of llfe were observed In llvlng 2nd-stage larvae of Meloldogyne ayanlca. These changes whlch took place as he larvae became parasltlc ln clover radl-cles i^ere observed under phase-contrast at high magnlflcatlon. Changes ln the moblllty and lnfectlvlty of these larvae durlng the same period8 were also measured. There ls an accumulatlon of gramiles ln the ducts of the subventral oesophageal glands shortly before hatchlng. These granules appear to be assoclated wlth penetratlon both of the egg-shell and the plant celi wali and dls-appear completely wlthln one to 3 days of entry Into the host. Wlthln thls period of tlme there ls an approxlmate threefold enlargeoent of the dorsal and subventral oesophageal glands. At the same tlme there ls a progresaive 1osa ln the ablllty of the larva to relnfect lts host and to move through the soli.
0679 GRIFFIN, G.D., 1967. ,rEvaluatlon of
several techniques for screenlng alfalfa for resistance to pitylenchus dlpsacl.** PI. Dis. Reptr, 51 (8), 651-654T
lnoculatlon of luceme seed wlth Pitylenchus dlpsacl was best done In the glasshouse at 30 to 60% R.H. or ln a con-trolled humldity chamber of 80 to 100% R.H. lnoculatlon of maturę luceme plants was, hovever, morę effectlve. lnoculatlon of cotyledons was only effectlve when done ln a controlled humldity chamber at 80 to 100% R.H.
0660 NORTON, D.C., 1967. ”Xlphlnema
americanum as a factor ln unthrlFtlness of reH cTover.*' Phytopathology, 57 (12),
In field and glasshouse tests, ylelds of Trlfollum pratense wre greater when Xlphlnema americanum was abaent. X. americanum was the most common pathogenlc nematode“Tn the field. Other pathogenlc and non-pathogenlc nematodes found are listed. DBCP w as toxlc to red clover and probably dld not directly Influence the yleld £n-crease. X. americanum probably caused poor growth of red clover.
0681 STOKES, D.E. & LANGD0N, K.R., 1966. '*A grass host plant of the cltrus nematode, Tylenchulus semlpenetrans. and other assoclated plants.,ł FTI ^Dls. Reptr, 50 (11), 822-825.
180 An lndlgenous Florlda grass, Andropogon