and with time. Af. hopla induced the greatest chanęcs in the roots and T. chńsiiei induced tbe greatest chan ges in the sboots. Nitrogen was the most seriously afleaed nutrient in the roots and potassium was the most seriously affeaed nutrient in the sboots.

0713 HAWN, E.J., 1965. "Influence of stem nematode lnfestatlon on the development of bacterial vilt ln lrrlgated alfalfa." [Ab8tract.J Nematologlca, 11 (1), 39.

0714-CASTILLO, J. M. & ROHDH, R. A., 1965. “Biochemical changes in alf alfa in>ured by lesion nematodes.” [Abstraa.] Phytopathology, 55 (2), 127-128.

Roots of luceme seedlings inocuiated asepticaily with Pratylenchus pencrrans showed symptoms of browning and necrosis which could ais o be produced by pricking the root with a sterile ncedle; the addirion of pectinoi, emuisin and perozidases to pricked areas intcnsified the browning. Diazotized sulphanilic acid caused lesions to become intensely yeliow-brown. Crude eztraas from homogenates of lesions, unaffeaed adjacent rissues and uninocuiated root rissues were aruiysed by paper chromatograohy. A brighc blue fluorescent reacrion (unidencified pbenolic compound) appeared from the eztracts of lesions and from oxidized uninocuiated rissues.

0715 DROPKIN, V.H., 1965. ,rPolyploidy ln 8yncytla of halry vetch Induced by a Meloldogyne apecles." [Abstract.I Nernato-loglca, j! (1), 36.

0716 HOWELL, R.K. 6 KRUSBERG, L.R., 1965. "Effect of Dltylenchus dlpsacl on certaln nitrogen compounds In alfalfa and pea. [Abstract.] Phytopathology, 55 (5), 504-505.

0717    HINTON, N.A., DONNELLY, E.D. 6 SHEPHERD, R.L., 1965. ,rReactlon of specles and breedlng lines of vetch to five root-knot nematode specles." (Abstract.) Phytopathology, 55 (5), 500.

0718    MYERS, R.F., FEDER, W.A. & HUTCHINS, P.C.i 1965. "The rearlng of Radopholus slnllia (Cobb) Thome on grapefruit, okra, and alfalfa root callus tlssues." Proc. belmtnth. Soc. Wash. 32 (1), 94-95.

Cultures of roots callus tlasue developed from luceme eeed vere het ter for suppoTt-Ing populatlons of Radopholua slmllls than were cultures of okra or grapefruit root callus.

0719 00LBRAN, R.C., 1965. "Studles of plant and soli nematodes. 8. Two new specles of Crlconema (Nematoda: Crlconematldae) from Oueensland." Qd P. Agrlc. anim. Scl., 22 (I), 83-87.

Crlconema altlcolun . n.sp. and C. lcbrlcatum n.sp. are descTlbed and flgured. SpeclmenT”were obtained by sortlng screen-Ings left on 300 mesh sleve as practlcally nonę passed through modlfled Baermann funnels. C. altlcolun, female, ln 2 locali-ties from soli about the roots of Themedą australls ln (^seenaland, has 98 annules, 16 rows of laterally contlguous serniclrcular scales and a stylet 51-61 mlcrons long. The 185

anterior annule of the lip region ls wlder than the posterlor annule. C. Imbrlcatum. female, from sandy soli denomlnated By Eucalyptua pllularls. has 70-72 annules, 8 rows of laterally contlguous serniclrcular scales and a stylet 67-80 mlcrons long. The lip region has a large saucer-shaped basal annule. Both specles have a broadly conold tali, a spherlcal spermatheca and the vulva 8 annules from the tali tenoinus. Males were not found. C. altlcolum ls dlstln-gulshed by lts short spear. C. Imbricatum ls distinguished from C. paxf and T7 sou the ml in having morę body annules, from Ć. octangulare ln lts rounder tali terml-nus, and from C. spina!lneatum. C. zernovl and C. australe"ln the length of the stylet and the shape of the scales ln C. australe.

0720 WASILEWSKA, L., 1965. "Dltylenchus taedlcaglnls sp.n., a new parsa 1 tle nematode from Pol and (Nematoda, Tyienchldae)." Buli. Acad. poi. Scl. Cl. II Ser. Scl. blol., 13 (3), 167-170.

Dltylenchus pedlcaglnls n.sp., ls de-scribed and flgured. The head ls not atmu-lated, the lateral field has slx inclsures and the spear ls well developed, 8.2-8.8 mlcrons long. The basal oesophageal bulb ls dlstlnctly offset and jolns the lnteatine without any overlap. The female has a post-vulval sac trtilch reaches to about half the vulva to anus dlstance but never exceed8 it; the taperlng tali ls 4-5 anal-body-wldths long and lts terminu* varles from aloo8t polnted to rounded. The bursa of the małe begins oppoalte the proxlmal end of the splcules and extends to about 40% of the taił length. D. pedlcaglnls ls distinguished from D. dlpsacl by the number of lateral Inclsures and from D. destructor and D. mycellophogus ln the greater value of tHe spear-length to head-wldth propor-tlon, different strućturę of the basal oesophageal bulb, longer thlnner tali, ahorter splcules and relatively shorter bursa. From D. trifonnls lt dlffers ln the lack of Inter8exe8 and longer post-vulval sac. D. medicaglnis was commonly found ln the leaves, stems and roots of Hedlcago satlyą ln Poland but nelther D. dlpsacl nor t). destructor was found.

07 21C0RBETT, D.C.M., 1965. ,rNematodes as

flant parasltes In Malawi." Nyasald Ftor OTester, 6(4), 21-27.

In thls generał article on nematodes and thelr control, Corbett records wfiat is known of plant-parasltlc nematodes ln Malawi and the damage they cause. Records oade 8Ince an earller list tras publlshed [see Heim. Abs., 34, No. 2503] lnclude the followlng new hosts: Meloldogyne arenarla on Bldens plloaal Apheiencholdes rltzemabosi causIng an angular leafspot on Salyją ąp. and S. splendens; Angulna n.sp. [to Be named and deserlbed elsewfierej causing a witches' broom of the Inflores-cence of Hyparrhenla spp.

0    7 2 2 rtX£KT*FVA. T. G.; AlFAT*EV. N. M.; S£K0CZV. V. N.; MAKHA«XliHV|L|. Z- A. ntafcoecnkto) of HrUroóera aa tncer-M.) Zaibciui• JUstau) ot Vrcdtteki

1    Botcznd (1974) 339, I16-11B [Ru]

Tbt damue óaot by bcavy Hcieroócn mfectioo to łucemr a> oonhcm CliKiw. USSR. n dtsenbed The nematode rocno hu r><X «o f*i bcen identiricd


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