ang 6 BMP

ang 6 BMP

SMR Forum

the superior performance that only comes with time and experience in another culture.

34 What we’ve outlined here is an approach, not a blueprint. Each company has to work out and implement programs that fit its own speciai circumstances and limitations. This, though not a simple task, is doable. And considering the stakes involved, doing a good job in preparing and maintaining expa-triate personnel will easily produce a good return on investment. Perhaps it is later than we think. Unless the training of expatriates is upgraded, American companies may soon discover that their life expectancies as global businesses are limited.



R.L. Tung, Key to fapan's Economic Strength: Humań Power (Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1984), pp. 15-16.


J. Seward, “Speaking the japanese Business Language,” European Business, Winter 1975, p. 40ff. shows that this is not an isoiated case.


Described in )apan Economic News, June 24,1902


Fora discussion of what causes failure, see R.D. Hay: “Expatriate Selection: Insuring Success and Avoidir Failure,'1 fonrnal of International Business Sludies,: (1974): 25-37.


R.L. Tung (1984), p. 13.


Examples of such methodologies are found in: D.S. Hoopes and P. Ventura, Intercultural Sourcebook; Cross-Cullural Training Methodologies (Chicago, 1L: Intercultural Press, 1979).


Another time of transit i on and stress occurs when th< expatriate completes a foreign assignment and come: back home. A company concerned about developing and maintaining high caliber International personnel will not neglect the problems of this re-entry. The familiarhas now turned into the unfamiliar. The returning expatriates have to adjust to doing the job tl way it's done in the U.S. They need to relearn old woi values, practices, and customs, and also familiarize themselves with new ones introduced during their absence. It helps if they can discuss the expectations and problems associated with returning home.

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