not produce changes ln the aize of the ectoparaaitlc nematode. Signlficant differ-ences among treatmenta were not obaerved ln the lengths of adnlt females. Only 3 males %#ere found dnring the entlre lnvestlgatlon. 9 tioes norma1 concentratlon of Hoagland'a solatlon appeared toxic, aince reproduction vaa United and the population declined; there were no dlfferences between the complete or nineral-deficient treatnenta. Optimum pH rangę waa between 5.6 and 7.4; above or be Iow thla optlnum ovlpoaition ceased and the population was signlficantly reduced.
0746 —GOSTICK, K. G., 1963. “Effecc of
temperaturę on- methyl bromide fumigaiion of lucerae seed for eon troi of stem eclworm.” Plant Pathology, London. 12 (2), 62-64. Ditylcnchus dipsaci can be transmitted jon luceme seed or, morę often, in plant deoris mixed wich the seed. Gostick carried out an eaperimenc to find a rangę of concencration-tirae products for methyl bromide which would kill the nematodes in the plant debris but noc atfect the gertnination of treated seed, and which could be suggested for commercial fumigation. Luceme seed aunu chopped, dried luceme pUnts (“anificial debris'’) were fumigaced at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. using a constant concentration of fumigant but varying the time of exposure between 15 and 30 hours. After treatment, the samples of plant materiał were placed in a Baermann funnel and the nema-todes extraaed; nonę was recovered from the fumigated samples but up to 1,680 were ejctracted from Controls. There was no significant difTerence in germinarion between control and treated seed, and the author, therefore, suggests concontration-time products in the following rangę would be suitable: 1200 mg. hr. per litre up to 20 C., reducing to 1000 mg. hr. per litre at 25'C. and 750 mg. hr. per litre at 30°C.
0746- NIELSEN, A. F., 1964. “Om spredning af staengelSl {Ditylenchus dipsaci Kiihn) med lucemefro.” Tidsskrift for Planfcavl, 68 (3), 530-536. [Enelisb summary p. 535.)
Disseminaiion of Ditylenchus dipsaci with luceme seed was investigated in Denmark. ln 7 of 56 seed samples, stem nematodes were found in very smali numbers. The imponance of careful cleaning of the seed to reauce the risk of attack is stressed.
0747- MALEK, R. B. dc JENKINS, W. R., 1964.
. “The effect of four spccies of plant parasitic
nematodes- on hairy vetch." [Abstract.] Phyto-pathology, 54 (7), 747.
The authors present data-on fresh weights of tops and roots of hairy vetćh and on the inerease in nematode populations, 3 months after inoculation of plants separately with Tńchodorus chrisneit Criconimoides curuatum, Meloidcgyne incoęnisa ■icńta and *Vf. hapla.
07 49-RASK1, D. PRASAD, S. K. dc SWARUP, G., 1964. “Telotylenchus housei, a new nemacode spoeics from Mysore State, India (Tylenchidae: Nemacoda).,> Nemato-logica, 10 (1), 83-86. [German summary p.86.J Telotylenchus housei n.sp. from about the roots of sorghum and mai ze at the Govemment Agri-culrural FarrA, Dhadcsugar Village, Mysore State, India, is described and figured. Ic differs from the other 2 specics in che genus in chac che lip region is not set off, in being generaliy larger and in having a rounded cylindrical taił.
0760-EDMUNDS, J. E., 1964. “Effect of Trichodenna viridc and Fusarium oxysporwn upon ingTess of alfalfa roots by Pratylenchus peneirans.** [Abstract.] Phytopathology, 54 (8), 892.
Morę Pratylenchus peneirans entered the roots of 3-day-old luceme seediingS' prcviously ircaicd with various conccntrations of Trichoderma tńńdcy or with higherconcentrations of Fusarium oxysporwni than entered the roots of control plants or tbose treated with Iow !eve!s of F. oxysporum. The results suggest that ingTess of P. peneirans into luceme roots can be influcnced by fungi pathogenic 2nd non-paihogcnic to plants.
0751-RIFFLE, J. W., 1964. “Rouc-knot nematode on African Bermuda grass in New Mexico.“ Plaac Disease Reporter, 48 (12), 964-965. RifP.e reporis Meloidoęyne on Cynodon transvaalevsis at Albuquerque, New- Mexico. In July, 1963, egg masses, larvae, males arid females were found in areas where the grass was thin, chlorotic and dying out in places. The narurc of the peri.neal pattems of maturc females suggests chat che specics is «Vf. ar er. aria.
0752BIRCHFIELD, W., 1964. "Histopathology of nematode-induced gaiła of Echlnochloa colonum.*1 [Ab8tract.] Phytopathoiogy, 5£ 78)7888.
Larvae of what appeare to be a new spe-cies of Heloldogync [not named in thia abstract! were found feedlng on the phloem parenchyma of barnyaT<5 grass, Echlnochloa coloman. Each nematode produceH one to aeveral ayneytla. Nuclei from host cells dia8olvlng in advance of the nematode aggregated in the ayneytia, and malntained their nuclear oembranes intact. Nuclei and nucleoli became enlarged and older ayneytia became necrotic. Extenslve hypertrophy and hyperpla8ia occurred in the cortical parenchyma ln which eggs were depoaited. Several grasstn and oats were good hosts in green-houae testa but cotton, pepper (Callfomia Wonder), water-melon, com and tomato were non-hosta.
#0753 Sp*oh. N D. Eflfact of oaaayl eppUcctłOB* on
0748MCHAN, E. dc BAS IR, M. A., 1964. “fio/e-odorus impar n.sp. (Ncmatoda: Tylenchida) from India." Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington, 31 (2), 187-190.
E. Khan dc Basir describe and figurę Boleodorus impar n.sp. from around grass roots {Cynodon dactylon) at Simia, India. It differs from all other known specics in the genus by the irregular shape of the terminal oesophageal bulb and the longer taił.
roeca ot Manto, kttnee nd pigw pa. TnptaJ AfńcałtOft (197$) U («) $69-373 [En] Dtp. et Crop ScL. Unń>. at Wect Indio. Si. Aofasóa*. Trtnidad
b fbahoose ttatt. Ibe fołiagf of tomain. letnie* or płjreoe pca (Czerna cąjeń) tendhngą ns tprayed wjtb ouroyl at 600, 1,250. 2.900 or 5.000 ppm and 24 boon hter tbr accdlmfł *tn traaspłsnied toto roi) mfested with Mekióogym tnoognaa or Maykacbułus rańfbrma. T»o dayt aAcr irmnspUntmi ibc lowcst ótm «n |0 htw cjpńficmnlJy pmmto of łś. socogjńtM huto tOMBO;
pmrtrttjnB af (his pcnutode ioto knoot m młuhnod 2. 4 sad 9 dayt efta ointpłinrtat bp 2-900, 600 «nd 600 ppm. nspectrały. Fotauioo af R. rattfannń tmo pifeoo pm was cqpufkxnU> reduced. 2. 4 eod 9 dayt after tnmpłanhnf by doaea of 2.500. 2.900 aad 3,250 ppm. mpectiveły. lo a field tegt is Tnzudad. 3 fołiar opphaiaom af aumyl ai IJ50 ppm fjveo 10. 29 and 35 dayt aflcr tranłpbmting. foUowixu drppmg tn 1,290 ppm befon tranipłanUnj. egnłficaetiy reduced tbe euznber af At. ioeagwt* and Prtiykochia ta* ncaotrtć from tomato rooca.