An important number of intemational institutions deals with Production Engineering problems, i.e. The Association for Operations Management (APICS), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), American Society for Management Engineering, The European Industrial Research Management Association, The International Foundation for Production Research, The Intemational Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Japanese Operations Management an Strategy Association, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society, The Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers, Brazilian Association of Production Engineering. Poland has been represented sińce 1997 by an NGO named Polish Association for Production Management composed of 21 sections located at main research institutions all over the country.
Management and Production Engineering is actually the fastest developing study dominant on graduate and postgraduate studies. Declaring Production Engineering as an official science opened broad opportunities for personnel education also on third level, which are doctoral studies. This stands in conformity with modern challenges faced by enterprises. Transformation of economical processes that brings new problems in different areas and levels of decision making needs appropriate goals, functions, tasks and proper organization of production processes, as well as their management1. Modem attributes of economic activity based on knowledge and development of innovative technologies and growing dynamics of environmental changes raise the meaning of intellectualization of economic processes2. Production Engineering meets these expectations. Industry branches strongly bound with this dominant and scientific discipline are mainly machining (engineering of production of machines and tools), food (engineering of food production), construction (construction engineering) and chemistry (engineering of Chemical production).
2. Chosen areas of research
Process Engineering covers management of production processes issues, i.e. production of parts for machines and tools through shaping, resizing, modification of surfaces crucial for producf s utility and bonding of elements (welding, adhesive bonding, mounting). This group of processes consists of chipless machining: powder metallurgy, foundry work, plastic forming, processing of plastics, plastic forming of surface properties, application of
Doskonalenie procesu zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem w obliczu globalizacji. R. Borowiecki, A. Jaki (eds.), Wyd. katedra Ekonomiki i Organizacji Przedsiębiorstw Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. Kraków 2008.
Zarządzanie restrukturyzacją w procesach integracji i rozwoju nowej gospodarki. R. Borowiecki, A. Jaki (eds.), Wyd. katedra Ekonomiki i Organizacji Przedsiębiorstw Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, Kraków 2008.