Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 5, No. 4,2008

One can see the number of grades is region specific and if s on the teacher to decide how long time he/she takes to teach basie knowledge of informationtechnology integrated in natural science in some regions.

2.2 Computer Science in High School

In Germany Computer science is taught in some fonn in all regions. Difference show up in being obligatoiy or not. Int he best part of regions there is a chance to learn it in higher level which means 4-5 hours per week while in basie level it is just 2-3 hours per week. This chance is at hand in the ll-13lh grades. Some regions make studying CS obligatoiy for those who want absolve a finał exam in 1011' grade. Finał exam frorn Computer science can be taken in all regions but in Baden-Wurtteinberg and Saxony-Anhalt the exam is just verbal.

In Hungary CS is just selectable in the 11-12 grades. On basie level it is taught in 2 hour per week, on a higher level in 3 hour per week (Table 2). A finał exam can be taken as in Germany [2].

Table 2

Computer science in high school



11 | 12



2 hours

2 hours


2 hours

3 hours


OS. 3 h.

Basic. 3 h. / higher. 5 h.


OS. 2-3 h.

Basic, 3 h. / higher, 5 h.


OS. 3h

Basic. 3 h. / higher. 5 h.


OS, 2 h.

Basic, 3 h. / higher. 5 h.


Basic. 3 h.

Basic, 3 h. / higher. 5 h.

Mecklenburg Western Pomenaria

2 h.

Obi. 2 h. / higher 4 h

Lower Saxony

3 hours

Nord RhineWestphalen

Basic. 3 h. | Bas.. 3 h./ higher. 5 h.


Bacis. 3 hours / higher. 5 hours


2 h.

Basic, 3 h. / higher, 5 h.


2 hours


OS, 2 hours


2-3 hours 1 Bacis. 2-3 hours


2 h.

Basic. 3 h. / higher. 6 h.


2 h.

Basic, 2 h. / higher, 3 h.



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