0754 RADEWALD, J.D., PAULUS, A.O. & HOFFMAN, E.C., 1964. "Effect of preplant soli fumlgatlon on stubby-root nematode control on alfalfa ln Southern Callfomla," [Abatract.J Phytopathology, 34 (2), 1436.
Ylelds of luceme were greatly lncreaeed after pre-plantlng fumlgatlon of the soli wlth methyl bromlde-chloroplcrln mlxture8 or Telone, due to the satlsfactory control of Trlchodorus chrlstlel and Pratylenchus scrlbneri.
0 755 PIDDIAN, W.E.H. 6. ALDRICH, D.T.A., 1962. "The susceptlbility of red clover varletle8 to clover stem eelworm." Plant Pathology. London, 13 (4), 139-143.
The susceptlbility of 21 varletles of red clover to Dltylenchus dipsacl was assessed ln field ancf glasshouse trlals. In the field, smali plots were sown ln a random-ized błock layout ln lnfested soli; assess-ment was madę of ground cover at intervals after sowlng and dry matter yleld was determlned from cuts taken when 25\ of the heads were flowering. In the glasshouse, the clover varietles were sown ln pots and as soon as the cotyledons were unfolded a drop of nematode suspension, about 25 nema-todes, was placed at their Junctlon; susceptlblllty was then assessed from symptoms, such as swelllng and stuntlng, whlch appeared from about the sixth day after gennlnation. Percentage ground cover and dry matter yleld, obtained from fields tests, were good measures of reslstance and correlated well wlth glasshouse susceptl-bllity tests. Morę than half the varietles tested were hlghly susceptlble to stem eelworm, but 2 doublecut varietles showed a high degree of reslstance and 9 of the singlecut and late-flowerlng varletles showed moderate to good reslstance.
0756 FISHER, J.M., 1965. 'Telotylenchus
whltel n.sp. from S. Australia wlth observatlons on Telotylenchus hastulatus (Colbran 1960) n.comb." Nematologica, Year 1964, 10 (4), 563-569. [German summary
Telotylenchus whltel n.sp., female and małe, is deseribed (rom about the roots of Acacla armata at Kangaroo Island, South Australia. It dlffers from other specles of Telotylenchus ln havlng a lip cap and a stylet 5^-72 microns long. To acconmodate T. whltel, the generlc dlagnosis of Telotylenchus is emended to Include a stylet of varlable length and a lip region wlth or wlthout a lip cap. The head characters of Belonolalmus Śtelner, 1949, as deacribed by other authors are dlscussed and lt appears that thls genus has a lip cap wlth 8lx 1 Ips and that the head ls dlvlded lnto four lobes by deep grooves.
Other characters of Belonolalmus are the presence of titillae mi the gubemaculum, female tali at least 3 tlmes the anal-body-wldth long, laterał field demarcated by a single llne and a małe cloaca surrounded by cutlcularlzed plates. T. hastulatus n.comb. for Belonolalmus hastulatus Colbran, 1960, ls redescribed and flgured; lt ls trans-ferred to Telotylenchus becauae lt lacks a lip cap and the above llsted characters of Belonolalmus. 190
0767AYALA, A., 1962. "Parasltlsm of bacte-rlal nodules by the reniform nematode.” Journal of Agrlculture of the Unlverslty of Puerto Rico, 46 (1), 67-69.
The attachment of maturę speclmens of female Rotylenchulus rentformie to the bac-terlal nodules of plgeon pea roots (Ca fartus indlcus) ls recorded and lllustrated.
0 758KHERA, S. & ZUCKERMAN, B.M., 1962. "Studles on the culturlng of certaln ecto-parasltlc nematodes on plant callus tl88ue.” Nematologica. 8 (4), 272-274.
[French summary p.274.J Tylenchus agrlcola and Tylenchorhynchus claytonl reproduced rapidly oń luceme callus tlssue grown under aseptlc condl-tlons at 23°C. on nutrlent medium. They dld not reproduce on callus tlssue of tomato, broccoll, carrot, cabbage or rye. The followlng nematodes falled to reproduce on callus tlssue: Hennlcycllophora surllls,
Tylenchus chrlstlel, TetylencKus joctus, ^ellcotylenchus erythrlnae, and Atylenchus decollneatus.
0759WINCHESTER, J.A., 1963. "The effect of Pangolagrass, Dlgltarła decumbens Stent, on the cotton root -Vnot nematode, MeIoldogyne lncognlta acrlta Chltwood.” Dlssertatlon Abstracts, 23 TlJS), 3586-3587.
In pot tests, Pangolagrass (Dlgltarla decumbens) was n»re effectlve than clean fallow or floodlng ln reducing a populatlon of Me!oldogyne lncognlta var. acrlta. Coastal Bermudagrass redticed the populatlon to a Iow level but certaln other grasses, sedge, whlte clover and okra malntalned large populations. Extracts of older roots of Pangolagrass were toxlc to M. lncognlta var. acrlta ln laboratory tests; extracts of younger roots lncreased larval emergence from the egg-shell. In field tests ln Florlda, U.S.A., Pangolagrass was as effec-tlve as clean folIow ln reducing the nematode populatlon; Coastal Bermudagrass was slightly less effective and native weeds [unnamed) had no effect. Populations of Belonolalmus longlcaudatus lncreased ln the presence of botn Pangolagrass and Coastal Bermudagrass under field condltlons.
0760KILPA3RICK, R.A., CHEN, T., RICH, A.E., & RODRIGUES, L., 1963. ,rRoot symptoms and anatomlcal changes ln clovers and let-tuce resulting from Injury by Pratylenchus penetrans and 2,4-dlchlorophenoxyacetlc acld.” [Abstract.] Phytopathology, 53 (3), 349.
Seeds of Trlfollum angustlfollum, T. repens and Lactuca sativa were sterlllzed for 3 minutei TiT 1% raercury blchloTlde, germlnated and transferred to modlfied agar. If Pratylenchus penetrans or 2,4-D were added on the same day the seedllngs were severely stunted and dled early. If 48 hours elapsed before Inoculatlon less severe seedllng Injury was observed. Sectlonlng and stalnlng of the lnjured roots showed hypertrophy of the epldermls and cortex followed by total breakdown of the tissues.
0781 Smon. N D. M—a W cł—yl en MMśagrm freogmita
m*A r mMm/i hrtQ rOOtl O# WttIKt lid
fm. (Abttmdl Semttroptot (1973) S (3) 29 fEn) Uaiv. ot ihc West ladies. St Aaftmmc. TiinkUd. Wat India