dlrect relatlonshlp was revealed between nematode injury and root rots although the beneflclal effect of aoll fumlgatlon suggests that the nematodes may be involved ln the complex.

0778 WARD0J0, S., HIJINK, M.J. 4 00STEBRINK, M., 1963. "Schade bij wltte klaver door inokulate met Heterodera trifolil. Heloldogyne hapla en Pratylenchus pene trans.11 Hecłeael ingen van He Landbou-whogeschool en de Opzoeklngsstatlons van de Staat te Gent, 28 (3), 672-678. [Engllsh sunmary p.678. Dlscusslon p.678.)

White clover, Trifollun repens, was grown in sterlllzed sóH inoculated wlth either Heterodera trifolil, Heloldogyne hapla or Pratylenchus penetransl At monthly Inter-vals the c!over was cut and welghed; crude protein was estlmated once. Ali 3 specles were found to damage white clover. Leaf productlon was reduced to 30% of that ln the Controls by H. trifolil and H. hapla and to 45% by PT penetrans. H, trl/olll Infestatlon caused a reduction Tn tKe number of Rhlzoblum nodules on the roots and ln the crude protein extent of roots and leayes.

0770 HUNG, Y.P., 1963. ł,Studles on the llfe cycle and host rangę of the lespedeza cyst nematode.'1 [Abstract.] Phytopathology, 53 (8), 878-879.

The llfe-cycle of Heterodera lespedezae (a new specles to be descrlbed later) was studled on Kobe lespedeza at 75°P. Second-stage larvae entered the roots ln 2 days and after 8 days had swoilen and begun the second moult. By the tenth day thlrd-stage larvae were fully developed, the fourth-stage had developed by the 16th day and the lemon-shaped adult by the 22nd day. Eggs were deposlted on the 36th to 38th day. No males were found. Both Kobe and Korean lespedeza were hosts and also red and white cloyers: 3 other legumlnous plants and 3 cereals were not hosts.

0780 SIDDIQI, M.R., 1963. "Two new specles wf the genua Helic otyłenchua Steiner, 1945 (Nematoda: HoplolalmlnaeJ.v' Zeltschrlft fur Paraaltenkunde, 23 (3), 239-244.

Hellcotylenchua serenua n.ap. (15 her-maphrodlteaT collected from Thula sp. near Po8t 4 Telegraph Colony, Harlpur, West Pakistan, ls descrlbed and flgured. It is sald to be dlstlnctlve among all known her-maphrodlte specles of the genua by lts lablal fraoework havlng consplcuoua outer marglna whlch extend posterlorly about 4 body annule8. It cooea closest to H. canadensls but dlffera in the lablal TrmeworE7 a morę posterlorly located orlfice of the dorsal oesophageal gland and a conold tali raeasurlng morę than one anal body wldth ln length. H. Indlcus n.ap. (15 hermaphrodltes) collecteH From graaa, Cynodon dactylon, ln the lawn faclng Research Laboratories, Department of Zoology, Allgarh Unlveralty, Allgarh (U.P.), India, la descrlbed and flgured. It ls sald to dlffer fro© all known dlgonlc hermaphrodite specles of the genua by the phasmlds belng located at anal latltude and ln havlng a dorsally convex-conold tali not bearlng a peg or process at terminua. It ls recorded as reaembllng H. dlgonlcus and H.

canadensls, but dlffers from the former ln 11 s smaller body alze, smaller buccal spear, by havlng morę annulea on the tali and by the locatlon of the phasmlds. From H. canadensls It dlffers ln lta smaller Sody STzeT Sialler buccal spear, and ln havlng a cooparatlvely longer tali. Hellcotylenchus ls placed In the subfamily Hoplolaimlnae.

0781 SIDDIQI, M.R., 1963. 'Tour new specles in the sub-faally Tylenchlnae (Nematoda) from North India." Zeltschrlft fur Paraaltenkunde, 23 (4), 397-404.

Pallenchua minor n.ap. from soli about the roota of Prunus aaygdalua near Ialamla College, Srlnagar dlffera from P. hllarua ln'belng smaller, wlth a shorter spear, morę anterlorly located vulva, morę smoothly rounded head and a tali of 11 anal body wldths long. Tylenchorhyncbus rugosus n.ap. from aoll around roots óf Sallx babylonlca near Islamla College, Srlnagar, resembles 6 other specles of the genua in havlng longltudlnal atrlae on the body and 6 Inclsures ln the lateral field but la dl8tingulahed from them by varloua charac-ter8. Pltylenchuą nanus n.sp., collected from sof! and root samples of guava tree, Psldlum guayava, In Jamalpur ylllage near Universlty Canp”us, Allgarh, can be recog-nlzed by lta short body, apeaT 7.0 to 7.5 mlcrons long, vulva at 82 to 85%, large post-uterlne sac, shape of female tali and dlmen8lons of the spicules. D. otruś n.ap., from soli about roots of~ Zea mays in Jamalpur vlllage, ls dlstlngulshed from all the known specles of the genua by lts smali body size (0.54 to 0.72 mm.), spear 8 to 9 u long, vulva at 83 to 85%, uterine-sac extendlng half-way between vulva and anus, a short conold tali %rlth broadly rounded terminua and size of the spicules.

0782AYALA, A., 1962. " Occurrence of the nematode Meloldogyne javanlca on plgeonpea roots ln "Puerto Rico." Journal of Agrl-culture of the Unlversity of Puerto Rico, 46 (2), 154-156.

Ayala reports Meloldogyne javanlca on plgeon pea (CaJanus cajan) roots for the first time fn Puerto Rico. One of the symptoms was pronounced prollferatlon behlnd attacked root tlps.

0783 SKARB1L0Y1CH, T.S.. 0VECHNIK0V, G.T. 4 AFANASEV, D.I., 1960. I The morę important nematode dlseases of clover and malze and thelr distrlbutlon on collectlve farma ln central R.S.F.S.R.] Trudi Ysesoyuznogo Instituta Gelmlntologll im. K.I. Skryabina, 8, 215-230. (In Rusaian.l The authora have madę a survey of 94 farm units in the Hoscow, Voronezh, Llpetsk, Smoleńsk, Gorkov and Yaroalay reglons of the U.S.S.R. and have studled the distrlbu-tion of the morę Important nematode dlseases of clover and malze. For cloyer they list Dltylenchus "trifolil", Hexatylus ylRlssŁ, H. consobrTnus and Aphelencholdeą splnocaudatus. and for malze D. dlpsacl, H*. ylglsą! and A. splnocaudatus

0784 SWARUP, G., PRASAD, S.K. 4 RASKI, D.J., 1964. "Sorne Heterodera specles from India." Plant Dlsease Reporter, 48 (3), 193    235.


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