000 1 KHEIR, A. M.; FaRAHAT, A. A. Comparatire interaction of Meloidogyne javanica and five leguminous hosts. Phytopathologia Meaiterraneo .(1981)    50 (2-3)

141-143 [En, it; 7 ref.) Dcp.’of Nematol. & Agric. Zool., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ^ Gira. Egypi.

In a pot exper»ment, M. javanica devc!oped and multiplied bettcr on common bean, pca and cowpea (han on broacf bcan and soyabean. .Syncytia were formcd in the cortica) and stelar regions of the former leg u mes but only in the stele of the latter. Common bean, pca and cowpea had the largest syncytiał sire.

* 0002 GUPTA. D. C.; YaDaV,.B. S. Notę on -the patftogenicity and on relative sus^eptibility of greengram varieties to Rotylenchulus reniformis. Indian Journal oj Agricultural Science (1982) 52 (1) 41-42 [En* 9 ref.) liniv. of Udaipur, Udaipur, Rajasthan 3)3001, India,

In a pot experiment. Vigno radiota ery H70-16 was inoculated with 10. 100, 1000 or 10000 R. reniformis/pot. Plam heieht. fresh shoot weight, fresh root weight • and number of nodules/plant were all reducea*/with inereasing inoculum density. Reproduction was maximum with the 100 inoculum density.

*0 0 0 3 WaUDO. S. W.: Norton. D. C. Population changes of Protylenchus hexinci$us and P. scribneri in maize inbred lines. Plant Disease (1983) 67 (12) 1369-1370 [En. 9 ref.) Dcp. of PI. Path. Sced &. Weed Sci., Iowa State Univ^ Ames. 1A 50011, USA.

Population changes of P. hexincisus and/or P. scribneri in 18 maize inbred lines were studied in ihe giasshouse or field. Hvbrids A619HI X A632HI. and Mol7Hl X B73Ht, or C123Hl, hosts of these nemalodes, served as checks to monitor suitabi!itv of the environment for nematode reproduction. Inbred ćl23Ht, t Mol7Ht and W6.4AHI supported significantly morę P. scribneri/g of dry root than other entries. Inbred C123H1 -also supported significantly morę P. hexincisus/g of dry jroot than other cuhivar$. inbred A632Ht. B37Ht and B68Ht. supported significantly fewer P. scribneri than other entries.

0004 0UESENBERRY, K. H.; SOFFES, A. R.; BaltENSPERCER. D. D.; Dunn, R. A. Response of Aeschynomene and Desmodium spp. to Afeloidogyne spp. |Absiraci). In Agronomy Abstracts. Madison. Wisconsin. USA: American Society of Agronomy (1983) 76 [En) Florida Univ., Gainesvi)łe. USA.

In greenhouse lests. over 50% of thćsM10 Ae. antericana introductions tested rated 3 or morę (0 *= no root galls. 5 « over 100 root galls/plant) in response to M. incognito and 89 and 50% rated 2 or less in response to M arenorio and M. javanica. respectively. Threc of 12 D. keterocarpon introductions tested were resistant^ to M. incognito and all rated 3 or morę in response to M. arenaria and M. javanica. Eleven Ae. americano and tnree D. keterocarpon lines. varying in giasshouse respdnse to Meloidogyne speĆies. were grown in an artificialły infested field. Field and giasshouse results were generally in good agreement.

0 0 0 5 SlDDIOI. M. R.; Lenne. J. M. Pterotylenchus fccidogenus n.gen., n.sp., a new slem-gall nematode parasiti7:/ng Desmodium ovalifolium in Colombia. Journal of Nemotology (1984)* )6 (1) 62-65 [En. 2 ref.) Commonweafth Inst. of Parasit.. Sl. Albans. Heris AL4 OKU. UK.

P. cecidogenus n.g., n.sp. from stem-galls of D. ovaliJolium in Colombia is described and illustrated. The new genus belongs to Anguinidae and is related to Orrina. but is unique in having large vulval Haps. P. cecidogenus has females with body 0.59-0.8 mm lonc, stylet 9-11 *im long, no median oesophageal bulb. a crusta lormeria of 32-36 cclls, a short post-vulval uterine sac. and a conical pointed taił.

0 0 0 6 ALPaT*EV, N. M. |EfTecti»eness jof^rraluatinę hicerw ▼arieties urder conditions of infeetioo^ SdeMsiya i

Semennvodstvo. USSR (1981) No. 3, 16-17 JRuT

An evaluation of many varieties of different species in the northern Caucasus for resistance to Heterodero medicaginis and Fusarium wili . (caused primarily by F. oxysporum) revealed only a few with resistance. notably a local variety from Armenia (K29241). a Medicogo polychroo form from the Georgian SSR (K16692), a Mediierranean varieiy (K199^1) and forms from India (K.21386) and Asia Minor (4CI9918).

0 00 7 Hellinca, J. H.; Bouwman. J. Scholte, K.; S*JaCOB,J. J. Causes of root rot in maize on sandy soiL Netherlands Journal of Plant Palhology (1983)    89 (5)

229-237 [En. nl. 9 ref.) Dep. of Field Crops and Grasslaod Sci., Aenc. Univ., Haarweg 333, 6709 RZ Wageningen. the 'Netherlands,

In an outdoor pot trial to study the causes of root rot in maize, Pratylenchus crenatus and Tylenchorhynchus dubius were found to be harmless. The application of oxamyl did not significantly improve the health or the root system.

OOOSSaLEM, F. M. [Suitabilily of certain winter Cf;ops and winter weeds as hosts of root-nematodes in EgypM Uber dic Eignung einiger Wintcrkuhuren und WinterunfcrSutcr ais Wirispllanzen von Wurzclnematoden in Aeypten. Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde Pflanzenschutz Umweltschut2. (1983) 56, 131-132 iDe. en, 3 ref.) Fac. of Agric., Shebin El-Kom,


Five Egyptian winter crops and associated wceds were pot and field tested in 1981-82. The roots of Yicia faba and Trifolium alexondrinum and of their associated weed V. cafcarata were heavily infecled with Meloidogyne javanica. Triticum v ul gore was not infected. The herbicidal elimination of V. colcarata is an important factor in the control of this nematode.

oooe Nordmeyer, D.; Sikora. R. A. Four new hosts for Heterodero darerti. Nemaiologia Medilerranea (1983) 11 (1) 101-102 (En, 5 ref.) Insi, fur Pfianzenkrankheiten. Univ. Bonn, 5300 Bonn 1, GFR.

Trifolium angustifolium. T. orvense. T. campestre and T. striatum are reportea as bcing new hosts for //. daverti.

OOlOpEDDY, P.P.; SIKGH, D.B. Chemical control of Meloidogyne Incognito on aelected crops. Nematologia Mediterranea (1983) 11 (2) 197-198 [En, 1 ref.l Div. of Entorool. & Nematol., Indian Inst. of Hort. Res., Bangalore 560080, India.

Trials in Bangalore, India, showed aldlcarb, applied at 1 kg a.l/ha, to have economlc value in the control of M. Incognito on okra, brinjal, french bean and 91 cowpea.


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