Fxcitation-Conlraclion Coupling
Skeletal Musclc |
Cardiac Musclc |
Smooth Musclc | |
Słructure | |||
Morphology |
Long; cylindrical |
Branched |
Spindle or fusiform |
Nuclei |
Multiple; locatcd pcriphorally |
One (sometimes two); located centrally |
One; located centrally |
Sarcomere |
Yes; striated pattcm |
Ycs; striated pattern |
No |
T tubules |
Ygs; forms triad with sarcoplasmic retk ulum |
Yes; forms dyad with sarcoplasmic reticulurn |
No; cavcolae |
Hectrical roupling of cells |
No |
Yes; inten alated disc-s contain gap junctions |
Yes; gap junctions |
Regeneration |
Ycs; via satcllitc cells |
No |
Yes |
Mitosis |
No |
No |
Yes |
Physiology | |||
ExtracellularCaJł requircd for contraction |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Regulation of cross-bridge iormation |
CaJ 1 binding to troponin |
Ca-’ binding to troponin |
Ca"-calmodulin activation of myosin kinase and phospborylation of myosin |
Control of contraction |
Motor ncurons |
Autonomie nerves; /3adrcnergic agonists |
Autonomie nerves; hormones |
Summation of twitches by mcrcased stimulus trequency |
Yes |
No* |
Yes |
Tension varies with filament overtap |
Ycs |
Yes |
Yes |
Major ditferences in structure and function ot skclctal. cardiac and smooth musclc aro indicted.
•Cardiac rnusr lf* rannot Im- tetani/ed, but the /orce of contraction will incrcase at high slimulus frequency Ihh aust* of an increase in intracel-tiar |Ca**|, a phenomenon tcrmcd •'Trcppc."