TRC Report Card: Calls to Action #l-#49 ; IS CANADA MAKING THE GRADE?;
Child Welfare: Calls »l-#5
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#1: Reduce the number of Indigenous children in care
#2: Publish annual reports on the number of Indigenous children in care
#3: Fully implement Jordans Principle
#4: Legislate a national standard for Indigenous child welfare
#5: Develop culturally appropriate parenting programs
Education: Calls #6-#12
#6: Repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Codę F
#7: Eliminate educational & employment gaps between Indigenous & non- indigenous people in Canada |
F |
#8: Eliminate funding discrepancies between on and off reserve education |
D |
#9: Reporting to compare funding differences and outcomes |
F |
#10: Federal Education Legislation |
D |
#11: Provide adequate funding for Indigenous people for post-secondary |
F |
#12: Develop culturally appropriate early childhood education programs C
Language & Culture: Calls #13-#17
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#13: Acknowledge language as an Aboriginal right
#14: Develop Indigenous language legislation
#15: Establish an Office of the Commissioner for Indigenous Languages
#16: Creation of post-secondary programs in Indigenous Languages
#17: Fee waivers for Indigenous name reclamation
Calls #18-#24
#18: Acknowledge that current State of Indigenous health is a direct result of colonialism & government policies; and recognize & implement Indigenous healthcare rights as per law and Treaties |
D |
#19: Develop measurable goals to improve Indigenous health outcomes |
D |
#20: Address Jurisdictional Disputes concerning Aboriginal people who do not reside on reserves |
F |
#21: Funding of healing centres in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories to address harms caused by residential schools. |
B |
#22: Recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices and use them in the treatment of Aboriginal patients |
D |
#23h Increase number of Aboriginal professionals in health care field
#23ii: Ensure retention of Aboriginal health care workers in Aboriginal p communities
#23iii: Provide cultural competency training for all health care professionals
#24: Require all medical and nursing students to take a course in Aboriginal „ health issues
Justice: Calls #25-#42
#25: Written policy to reaffirm independence of the RCMP |
F |
#26: Amend Statutes of Limitation to allow Indigenous civil claims |
F |
#27: Federation of Law Societies of Canada requirement |
D |
#28: Require law students to take a course on Aboriginal people & law |
O |
#29: Collaborate with the survivors excluded from IRSSA |
D |
#30: Eliminate overrepresentation of Indigenous people from custody |
F |
#31: Provide sufficient and stable funding for community based alternatives to improsonment. |
C |
#32: Allow deviation from mandatory minimum sentences & conditional sentence restrictions |
F |
#33: Address FASD & collaborate with Indigenous people on prevention |
B |
#34: lmprove outcomes of offenders with FASD in justice system |
F |
#35: Creation of additional healing lodges |
C- |
#36: Work with Aboriginal communities to provide culturally relevant services to 1 nmates |
D* |
#37: Provide morę supports for Aboriginal programming in halfway houses and parole services |
F |
#38: Commit to eliminating the over-incarceration of Indigenous youth |
F |
#39: Better statistics on the criminal victimization of Indigenous people |
B |
#40: Indigenous specific victims services |
B- |
#41: Reporting on MMIWG |
B |
#42: Commitment to reconciliation in accordance with Treaties & UNDRIP |
D- |
Canadian Governments and UNDRIP: Calls #43-*$44
#43: Fully adopt and implement UNDRIP as framework for reconciliation D-
#44: Develop a national action plan, strategies, and other concrete ^
measures to achieve the goals of UNDRIP
Proclamation & Covenant of Reconciliation Calls #45-#46
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#45: Co-develop a Proclamation of Reconciliation F
#46: Parties to IRSSA to sign a Covenant of Reconciliation F
#47: Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and Terra Nullius F
Settlement Agreement Parties and UNDRIP: Calls #48-#49
#48: Church parties to IRSSA to fully adopt and implement UNDRIP N/A
#49: Religious denominations and faith groups to denounce the Doctrine of Discovery & Terra Nullius