Radosław Wiśniewski

Department ofLand Management and Regional Deuelopment Unwersity of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn e-mail: danrad@uwm.edu.pl

Key words: nonstationary time series ofland property prices, nonstationarity type, unit root test


A stochastic process is nonstationary if its probability distribution function varies over time. Nonstationarity in time series of land property prices is considered to pose a serious problem in statistical analysis. Yet the observed nonstationarity is not homogeneous. The time series of land property prices may be marked by nonstationarity in average or nonstationarity in variance. The identified nonstationarity may be eliminated if its type is known. This paper presents the results of a study to identify the nonstationarity type in time series of land property prices in Poland.


Studia i Materiały Towarzystwa Naukowego Nieruchomości - vol. 18 nr 1 2010


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