Vokime I Isrk2 | Fcbruary 2016
Ihe Ua tlmc %»r intcraclcd *>1lh yc« through thcie colamns (of Ihc Energy Pro Jekli ncwdeller) «u abool Ul rnomht bsi OdjrisHm) We gwe yuu ^tmpiei of « moden track record diring tbc penod Nov 14-luly IS.
oar Passion rundlng Program
Al w bud pcmouiff hąhllghlrd, Ihe Energy Prefekt idcmlfiei buddir.g young talent wfco have pauler. toward rznos ipcrti/ gzroei. but who luk finandal resosrcei to ponur thetr drezrm. zad otfcT coadrtng ind ether ubrndul sc thit these stan ufclmzidy adilcYt grealer hetghts ta thetr choten disclpbne. thss makng ui z2 prosi
Entór a New siar - Fjcpect Morę Fireworks
Mi Gown Shinkirt. z high tchool (XII ad) Muleni of Saursditra lllgher Sccondzry School, Piramaksdl. li oar ncw find durtng 2015-16- She halli frura z icry modra fen lly Our fctend Mr vtnołh Kumor (cf Ikara Energy Projekt) gwitted her whai she mide «iwi In the iportlngardcsby car.chlng the gold medal in Shot Pul (13.82 mu) In the Aean lunłor Athlctlc Mcci beki tn Chlnz tn lunę 2015. Itiroagh hu dacrccl erejomei he foand thal her ftmily hsi Ytrtuolly no re-tc-arces to help ber jurnie ber pasrer. bul ihc could chosc her drczmi and scik newr hefgńcs If w wre to suppeet her Mr VI-noth Kcnu met Gown. ber fzmlly. zad her mich znd hdped her prepore her gcal iheet
In the Tsatóoodu Joniec Athkttc Mcel (oder 18) hełd e Kcmfcukceum in lułjr IS. Gown Shankzn bigoci the gełd by ócar-tng z duteue of 13 94 mti (3 kg), whldi ts z new mcel record:
In the South /one Athlctlc Ued (aa. tors) hcid a Kiklnzuz. ihe deared 12 J5 mis
(4 kg) and iocured 2nd place In the ner Ind mcci heli ot Ccembjtoec. sbe bjggcU the gold medal (13.71 mi}.
Agom. tn the 3!d Nztxeul luoacr Ałhtctss Churęlomhlp (on der 18) heli zl Han dii tn Ntn oaber IS. GoMTtihankan hu won the fira płace (I A23ml>)'
We bdlcre ihe U z rarc talent, znd g)ven cur adojuatr cuc znd wpport ihc ti bound to make a mark tn the Iniernitsctul iaa znd make ui prenai ba mott rręoruntly. make the tuDcn prosi Ihe Energy Procia u dedicased to grocrar.g and nurturtng her iktll and talent
Ml Ntthya. ar. undergrwdnalc froen MOP Vaishnav CoDesyr fer Wccnen. and Mr O haram. from Madru Chnetan Colkgc. havc beo in the news In the recrcOy hełd Ai. Mudahar Meet of the UntYersty of Madras, bołh zdiletei basgrd goli medali m Dtiau throw znd Jaidtr. Ihrcrw rapeatwfy - z re-pcalof thetr laslyearifeaL By rtrtue of thli. both zre nos qualfcd to partidpatc In the Mer UWYcnty Meet
Mthyz bagped the abtr medal tn IXi-caa Throw ir. the chief m muter i Mec. hckl zl lawahartal Nthru Stadium tn (łien-nzi tn Dccemba 2013 znd wen a cuh zward of Hs 7S80W
Mr Dharznl ckared SSAómls tn the |zne-lln throw cotrpctltlcn znd begged the gołd medal In Chief Mlnliltr i Diana Mcci Itsn Energy Projekt wlihei thal morę znd n»rc lasrcli come thelr wav In zł thetr futurę cndezYors.
Master Mlthlłech Krtthnin pin KI
paled In «h International FlDf. Raung Opcn Clastc Chea Icunumml heli tn liyderahad unikr the auspKa of Ali Indii Chess IcdenlMt ci Dcormber 2015. I te scorcd 5.5 potnts out cif nm rounds ani tn the proce*. urprowd ha ratlng bj 41 potnts. J4M i mcm Khkvemenl thic
Ms Usha Krtdinan, Ule Ifusłsc cf Ihe In ergr Projekt. «uggr«ed tn nne of the revkw meetlngs that tuc should engage In tret płanUng mtualwe tn denim. as the atfi gteen ccwr u fuł depleling tn the nunc of dcieloptnentf?).
Me Ylnoth hilsed Mth Niahi in SCO rngaąpd tn frerr. autna threuf^i Iłoc Pirks mass C2tr.rjl md grtenlng of kto* lacm! Njdu. smog uthff actlYltes. thus we ^Kmsored tłe planung of 10 Punrui Uco tn big cement pols near Myhporc tero płetank. Ihe commereSa! esubłshmenu near eadi pcoed tree hnc coniemed to Likr care of thetr nusncncKe.and rołantcen cf Nl/łul will be RKdlloRng them as t«l Ckpcning on Ib aiccca. w: propose t° engagy tn nxrc »u:h IUUaUvei tn the futurę