\ttumelll | [muc: Mar 2017
Tbe ptesent quuter (Mir-May) has been eiamlnat>:»n tlme (for schoolt and college*); unfortunildy we do not harc the usua) ąxti of repoittng on our past ca cindiiites. a 11 some of our kldshire heco lo ihc news durlng thl* period. raerklng i mcotkn.
Our cHeas prodigy1 > triumphant [rip toTashkcnt
Our wcoder kld. A. R. Ilanipurthi. partia-pated lo (hc Astin Youlh Chess Champion* sflps (undct rtghl I ai la-Jikctt. Uzbekistan (Aff I — IOX
lo Ihc Rapldcalegory. he won all thc ser. en rcunds ind gct thc gold medal
lo tbe Clasil; gamcs. hc bigged sihrr (wlnntng sił duwlngtwo. ind laslng lo the 6nil rcund—his sole lass la Ihc entlre tour-ounent).
In the Bluz scctlon. be won thc gdd lełght włos ind onc driw).
Wkh his stclar performance, hc hu donc us all pcoui: Team Energy Prefekt oxel heirtlły congratulilei the kld. hu porem and his coich ca hb stupendous idilere-ment
Team Energy Projekt aocccdcd a wrm yedcome to our prlncc of sMy.four scyiares al thc CbeoDit urputl.
lo the Chettl nad Public Scbool T. N. State Undcr Sine Opeo chess Champlomhp 2017 IheU at KaritfudL May S-12 ', llam-parlhl hnlshed seccad. sccclng 75 petnts cut cf nine rouods (seren wlns. one dra w. and a lonc los: to the errotual w ton er. a year senior).
Performance of other chesu platyn
T. Saranyi partiapated In the lit Shu)ih Mastcrs Opeo Ttmrnirnent (Mar 23-J1) and secured 45 potots (nlne roundsk
In the IPth Dubal Open (Apr 2-12). sbe got >.5 polots (nlne rounis).
To secure ttlei llke IM (tnternatlca-al Master), a candliale bas to necessar-ly pantepote to 9xh toteroitkoa) norm
In the Sł. Peters Scbod lat All India Open FIDE Raled TournamerŁ she ńnldoed elghth vrtth 6.5 polnts (cal of etghl rcund: l. Sbe wu tbe tcp-tinlshlng wcaian player and was grreo a cuh atnrd of R*. 6.CCC.
tn the same tcurnament. Mlthllesh Krlshnan scoredASpotm In tbe 28th CUSAT (Cochtn Unrrersuy of Science and Techno hgr) Irternuicai] Opeo Rat log Iburnamcnt (May 27-30). Samara and Mlthtkdi Krlshnan secured S polnls (cul of etghl tounis).
Meet our new inductecs to the Pa salon Program
Elfecttre ftom Mi rth' 17. we hare lnd>.~l ed Chrcenepet Sliters. V. Bhuraneswarl (uodergraduate student) and ber sbter V. Kruhlki (plus iwo student l—rtudenls of
Cj.mali: musie (rocil). mentered by Ml Mcera Shankaran Ihcy bm been Seim mg Canwtlc musac ind bhsuni for the pa« decade Ihe ubllng> performed a kie eon cert (nasnasankeman) m TTCs SVBC cłunttd (rudaaecrajanam) on Apel] 21 Ihe program wjs weB rccelrcd by musie knen Włth ther passlcn fcr musie the* gsrus ibie guldance and ccachlr.g, and Ihe Foergy FnfdA supjon, we are surę Ihcy will scalę grealrr heights m the years
10 coroe.
m Miy ’17. we cnrcłled a student of Dhantanatyam (dasdcal diner! R. tak-shaya (dam cłgbt studenO. Sbe Is a dlsdpic ef Mi Sudha af Sn Sai Nasyalaya. Ihough a besjnner. Ac has flair for dance. and ac mrdtng to ha diner teadta. she wtR makr
11 tyj cci Ojge rai tura out lo be a betu diRccr prolcswonally In thc loog run.
Our liaison irith Primal Pattcrn*
Ewo cf our athldei. Mthya (dlscus) and Charanl (Jawlln'1 have started thetr fitiess tratnmgwttłi Prtnul Patterni Tram Energy Procki badeaHlcr met Dr Basu and wtektd out thc detaU as lo how our athktcs could make use of thdr World ciao fic&tus to imprwt ihar fitness lewli Ihli Is etpcctrd lo postlwdy rclled un thelr co-lmk performance.
Our kids takc staje in Amncts An-nual Meet
In the armual meet of Amnet tód on Apeli 22. ‘17, Tcan Energy Projekt prcscnlcd lo thc slandtng oistson of thc audlcnce threc pasata cm-dhlile* wbo haw won medal* nastroiły cc mtrmaUotuDy
A. U. Iłamparthl u ho n Arce medais (two gnid ani one fiber) In the AUan Youth under EJghl Chess ChamfecetAip ( lash kent. .ife’I7).
Cokulakaanau. who was a menier of i * 400 m rrlay team cf untwerdty cf Madras Iha went on 9o Mtn lhcevoit In Ihe All India tr.tcr Unrteraty Alhleoc Meet (CcenAatore. lat 11-15) Mth a new meet record (Ohm pan Mcban Kuma; runrteg the Ust lap)
Y. Saraora who capiancd Madras Cni-serety Tram thit won Ihc AB mdlą Inter. CoDcjlate NaUonal UntverflUcs Chess Your-rument (choina. Nor 11 -1«). Ac won the firn prtee for bca tndMdual performance Mr. P. G. Subramiraam. CCXł. pcesmSed the dianrps-.r.s wnh a memento. Itusparthl had the honor cf gettmg the medak he won a the A san from the hands of Mr. AaAtA Agjrwaal
Our restroom project al Pudupcdu
We ład a ropaest from Ac healrastros. Pan-dayat mion Mlddlc School 1'udspcdu (od Kuńdntbur m the dtys csatsfcstsł. for ccn-structtce cf two udets md urtnals for thdr sjrl dukbr. (nuirherryr 120) m sditucci to Će ca tang two uda* v* ase hępy to mfann tbot thc wrek has ener hoen ccmpletrd