

Ycfume Ul layt i August Ml"

Another quarter hu p^assed br slnccourlast Dewricttec As uaul tbere hu fceen somc great news todure wtthyou. TYto ofour can-dfcbtrs hav* parllclpated ln wwld ewnts— what better to ssk for! Atter all. the Energy Projekt! mutra u to strtre for eicetttnce. Cur kfcłs need W be coitpelkd to fcUcw thet rdreom*. Thelr passhnn ttsełfmuld takt th«n up hlpforr ud hlghrr araddrlre tb-m to consUlrudy chan their dreims.Okjr. let us nc« kttp ycu In smpense urtrorc'.

Our wondcr kid does it again! don on the bnls of his returwng from Eashkeot wnh < bagful of medals (2 gdd ud 1 Biret) at tht Asiu Touth Ch-ss champłonshłp Under 8 (ln Apr ‘17). our chess prodlgr A. R. Ilamparthl pifltcpated ln tbe Vfortd Cadets Chess Champlondię-s (Under 8 open) at Bratll (Aug 21-31). He had to flar agalntt thc bot bratni from thc United States. Rusa a Chin a. England. Cu-Mciko. Metrum. Cobnbu md Mongoł u. Out of thc 72 coototaots from uroa W na loco. ilairpaithi, wtthhostirtingratfc of 16 (bascd on ELO ratng polnls1. ńntshed wtlh a credltablc FOUHTH plan: A great aduertment tndctd: He mn ln 7 counis. drew tn 2. and fosa ln 2. Ihis kłd ts te alb a graodmaster materiał and the Energr Projekt will do tsbcstto nurture thłstalent ud take him to tha lerellhn ttme around. thc Gorernment of Indu sponscecd his trtp. bcutng a majer part of the openses. wtth the EhergT Projekt stefftng ln for the tal anee. Itam Energy Ftojekt (dus todkscuat wtth hk coKh and drew a roadmap for the boyS chess careec. the hrst target belng the IM norm.

Pnor to the teoild eient. Ilamporthl had pantapated tn a tcw meetsc tn the Tth 9L [osepKs FI DE Rated Chess Tournammt. Chennal (UBder 8, lunę ‘17). be finkhed

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CcrtificaU qf<PaTticipation

Ttu amfoa* u tum AJ A

Ilamcf/Ju. .iX

f* ittijMt* Ja lt« pmaftUn w »fc Mwtti caku cin. Ct*»f%niAfi &i?

XtUn rap. A CMa> - tur* Jnmjltg. it* iv *a) SI*

FIRST: ln the Commonwcaith Chess Chato Rattng TOurnament for sduol chlldren. płonihlp. Sew Ddhl (UDder 8. Mr 17). be Chennal (Cfcder 8. Aug ’17\ be hnthed 2nd hnłshed 'th. udtn the Modęrn Schód FIDE and was awarded a cash prlte cd‘ t l&jOO:--

Itannet Habiliss FreshOl Springbord

Our athlctc M. Gokulakannon - at the World Unhrersity Gamet

We had eariler (nfotmed tcu that Ge*ula-karmin indhls team ICnbenilyof Madras) won tbe gold medil ln the 4 * 402 meters reliy event U tbe All India Inter Cnirersfy Athlrtt: Meet, Colirfcatorc (Un '17). wl.h a Dew meet record By vtrtue of thb performance that at the National sdectton Trlais ai Chindlgirh In |une '17. Gckulikanrun was selected to represent India In tbe 2?th Sum-mer UnlreMade at Chlnese Tapet (Aug 17). rwtnty-four nattceu putKtpated In the 4 * 400 metef! relay In the heats. Gckulikan-nan and team got tbe 2nd pl»:e, wtth thelr Kanni bert timing (.1:10.68). mad <juah-6ed fce the tinak Howerer. In the bruk. theycouid ret keep up the momertum and

couid finuh only Tth. laklng tmo riew that the Vforld (.'Olrenty Garna łs ccnndrred the second Olympln. thłs ln tself ts i great aduereenent. Surely thu wil monrate hlm to eiol further: Kcefos to Gdrulakarmin lzł>d team) ind his coMh-cum-meotct. Mi. M. V. Riiasdchar. »ł» bas ptodieed miny champion alhletes (wt» hare repre-sented tbe natton tn the Olympkn. Anod CommonweakhGames. etc.l.

Olher candidates in the ne«

tn tbe 32nd Tamllmdu Inter DarKt Un-k>r Athletlc Meet held at Madural (Sep 1-3. ’17\ R. Parlthra hagged tbe fint prtze in the lOkmwalkbycfocklng 1:01:35.

ln the Tmrllnndu State Senior Meet (24 fun '17). A. Harlkrthnin canae 3rd (15:27) lo the 5«» m run; In tbe Sin dal Cty Mini Marathon Race (16 [ul '17). he hniiard 2nd (20121) In (he 6002 m run and get a cash awardof Rs. 3.0CO: and tn tbe Kanditpuram Half Marat ban. he hnlsbed ath (01:16:18) ln the 21 km run.

In the 57th Nattona) Inter State Senior Athletlrs Ch ampla rchip held at Guntur.

Andhta Pralesh (15-18 [ul '17). Nlbya came 4lh ln Dtacus Throw (41.41 m - her bestX misiuaą thethlrdpoeltlanbytwhlsfc. er (tu* 2 arłl.

T. Saranyi partldpited lo the Cctnman-wealth Chew Charrptoashlp held at New Delhi I [ul 2-10) and ako puttlpuled tn the Naltoal Challengee for Wiamen u Myaina <kd 21-29). Throufjiher goodperformance ln the atore toumamems. her raltng cocid go north by 85 pointa, ln the Tth Sareethi Open State Lerd Meet (>j) 16-17). she 6n-fched Tth oul cf 4CO partldpunts and gc* a trcęhy wtth cash a wari ln the Ut N1THM File Rattng Cpen Chess tturaament. HT-derabad tAug 3-8). dx got a cadi award of Rs. lftOM Intbe belowTKO otepXT; and ln the SSN TTcphy Team Tournarnent. she repeesented ber ccdege and hntsbed 2nd and rtcelred a cash iwird o( Rs. 6, (KO.

Greet our new stan

Etfecttre kom lunę '17. Team Energy Pionek! has i odartej a peomtslru percuukn artute. Srlram. a dncęfe of renrmned mrłdinglst. Mc T. V. Gopalikrlshnan. An undergraduate of Vm*inanda Ccłlege. Srlram hu bero awanded Yoilh Grnde Art-Ist of All India Rodło after an audltlon eon* ducted tn thelr premua cn S [uly 2017. Thu certtńcatlan rendets hlm etlglhle to ptoy ccacerts ln Al R. In the Spłru of Ybulh Serie i 2017 (Aug 1-10) by Madras Musie Acad-emy. Srlram hu been jdjudged tbe Best InstrumentalAccompinlst- Mrldangam.

Mc Yinoth łdeotlhed. almast by aoctdent. Sameer Bara. a pass la nile cttketer from the trfco) dwrtt of Suralpur lo Chhaltbguh. Belng a mediom-list tender appreclated by Team India *:e ęlnnrr Rnrtdiandran Ashwlnl, he alms to beeak toto the Raotl squad for his Sjlr and tben to 611 lnto the BC CI sełeetors' radar and ultlmalrly be part ofTeun Indie' Crlckel belng ibe mcm pum pered gamę ln our country, we were tnltlally tductant to indiKt a atdcetec tu glreo his puulm to pursue ateket. tejectlng |ob otfers after graduatlog to BX. (Computer Science). Team Energy Pro)rkt has drclded to support hlm lntlally for a rew monlhs and rrrtew his performance tls-d-ns hu set goals for the pered and take a cali on wbetłur lo coollnue lis tundrną.


The Erergy Projekt


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L (10) Adres Redakcji: Warszawa, ul. Okocimska M, pokuj Ml, tel. 25l2.ll. wewnętrzny 21. /umówienia
Częstochowa. W kwietnia 2009 r. Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych ul. Sw. Augustyna 28/30 42-200
tw3 riiO, i(/i Iuy rh CArhh , ,UL Irboi U luj? .. <Ml 51 i? 1^1 UCO C ar i. / .n i~Ln V / /
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Ski Track 6 page Newsletter Newsletter Name Ml#    — y.wf.w Vj.»^ *-*• >v*•«•»*•—V

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