Newsletter ir i-. iv m
Yokime rv Usue2 | KtmsEber 2018
Ł?ka roa
She bas the potroili) to break lalo tbe Womia latetnilkna) Master norm very
B bas been i whllc tlące we hire bid as cppccmnłr lo updxe youos ihe propen of the Energy Protehi lnllithri throujh ihne ccłurans.
Tb beglo wth. |uil Imiglne TeiroEHergr Pro)e)l’s fedlngs If cne of our sponsored kkb eret maić II to tbe worid na 1 posl-lloo: Wed be rlrliullycn doud mad Wblle Ili a Irtbule to Ibc cblld'i rne tlaious etforls jbh- guided by Ibc coach. II Is alro. In e-yjal meaaire. a ńaiog reward lo tbe lnlllithts cl the Energr Projekt lo tdeattly and nnturc toddlng talents.
Shill we brlng >our suspensę lo a cfcoe? Readonthro.'
B. Savitha shrl conqu«s the wrld!
Ten. c«ir c radlinę. R Samha Shrl came firit la the World Cidet Cbess Champion-łip 2018 (Cndrr 12 Girls), beld lo Spun (Nov3-15X Sbescoredtea polalila ełmn
rounds(wth alne wlns and two drtws). She bas resUy ior os all peond. Team Energy Prefekt li dated at ber [fenomena) acroin-ptlshmett—our heartlest coogratulitkas lo thls pelocess of 64 scgiares'.
Eariler. sbe b»d lo ber credu the fcflow-ing ichlewments:
Securtd hrsl [face la VA*ld Sehocfs Ttam Chess Iburounenl. hetd In Rus-iU Kun 1-8).
Ge* brat prlre la the Conunoavecahh Cheis Ttumament (Uadcr 12 Glrli\ hetd U Ddhl l[ua 26-[ul JX nalshed at Ibe lop of Ihe pudlim la tbe Natlonili leader 11 GUl>X hetd at Karafcudl |(ul 28-Aug SX ln the Klikną) Womeni Cheis Cham-pfooshlp. lalpur (Kov 18-26), sbe scored stt polols.
soon. Team Energy Pro|ekt mil spire no resourcei u Its ccenmind to sec thrl ber careergraphconsisteatl?sca)es north.
Swrlha Słeffi secured Ihe slrer medal In Ek Iharal Shreilha Bhirrt Tiblc Teanls Itur-aamenl. beldat Ilun 7-10X
Ihe tinlshed an»og the tep 16 la the Na-tkną) Rioklog Tcuraameol, beld la llary-ana ()u)S-lS).
lo the State Ranking Tournament. heidal n Siailim Cheanai Aug 19-21). she was the winner to all three categorles: lunfcc. Yoilh. ar»J Womto.
She bas been selected for the Sd»d Games Federatlon of India balio oak.
Swetha bis been conststenllr performing wd). łkam Energy projekt wtsbe i her all thr het In futurę tournaments.
Cur ycung chess wtzard and prodlgr. Ilam-purthl, by ylrtue of his credltatde perfor-rninr* in the Grindmatferc Tc<uaarr»?nl Jt OiłiM and MurdMl (|un 18). his seeo to tl thit hłs EL O ul tog polnts bn-r sciled upword by 228 polnts;
He tlej for ńrsl plite In the National Chess Champtondip (Uader 11) (Open) 201*. beld at Kuilkudl Ho) 28-Arg SX
Won the X«Joail (Mer 9) (Open) Cbess Chircptonshlp 2018 tltle a Rondli (Sep 18-23).
In tbe Open FIDE Rated Tcurnament. beld a Thrbsur (Sep 7-10). be ńnlshed fourteecth. where he drew tłro games agalnst Internationa] misters.
In the >2od Natfonal (Under 9) (Open) Chess chimptonshlp 2018. hdd a RindiL be fmldstd ńrst. wtnnlng ten matdses In < rew and was dedared winna wth a rcund to spore
Uimporthl b llkely to partlcpate In the Gtindmastcts Iburnunent In ępaln (Dec 13-23) and later lo 9weden. Wfc are fulły conńdrat hc will do well In hłs puraat of the Internationa! Muter norm.
In the Palus de Miritbs (6 km), beld at Krfchnaąjrl (Inne IS). be finliied ńrst and also gc( a cash awird (docklng 2016.02).
Harlkrbhnan secured ńrst plice In tbe lamunamarathur Marathon (12 km) hdd at TburannamalU (fon 17) wtth i timing of 42«SM.
In tbe Aslan Palnls Marahon beld a Co-Imhatote (fon 24). he ge< tbe seccad prlre
In tbe Mutrom Marathon (21 km) hdd U CotmbUcce ([ul ISX he gee the ńrst prlre
In tbe Decom Flint*rs Marathon (21 kmX chettnal (fol 22X he was tbe wlnncr
Joranyr ńnlshed terth In a 6?Id cf 240 plry-ets In tbe 3rd MMCA FIDE Fallrg Cpen Cbess Ihurnimrnt beld at Kcetayam lAug 11-14).
Sbe had a good run In the Commm-wesllh Tcurnament (Delhi. fon/fol). A ber-tiul Cpen (Krnahalam. Sept), Gularat GM Open (Ahmedabad. Od), and lat CcaGM lotematlonil Open (OdX
In tbe Nitfonal Women chess cham-ptcnshtp beld U [apur (Nos- 18-261 sbe tccccd sta polnts to eleren rounds. Tbe h^hllgbt of ber performance łs tbat sbe drew ber matebes agalnst Oro Internatkonal mastecs and one woman grandmaaer (all wth ELO ratlngs of 300* polrts orer her).
We are eon!Irumsly monltcclng tbe pro-greas of ceber candldates by be Ing I n reguła tcsach wlth tbem as well as thelr coadtn. Some new appUrallons hare also been rt-celred, and cur seledfcm paoellsts are In the peoens of conskderlng them on a merit basta for adoptlon by the Energy Prcjdct.
We will reneh cU to ycu wth morę news In our not Dewsletter. Bye tlll tben.
Season'i Grcetlnjp!